What is my niche?

Matthew S
2 min readNov 14, 2023


Niche: a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.

What if I don’t have a niche?

Do I even need a niche?

What if I don’t like my niche?

What if my niche isn’t niche enough?

Does my audience only follow because I write about a niche?

How do I find my niche?

Write what makes you happy, write how you feel, write to add value to others, write in your niche, and write every day. common advice from Medium

Being new on Medium and new to writing, in general, is tough; finding a niche is a very common theme of importance. But what if I don’t know my niche?

Looking back at the few articles I have written in my short time on Medium, nearly all are about self-development. It’s something I am extremely passionate about.

But what about my other passions that I want to write about or show? I’ve started writing a screenplay, taking drawing courses, and learning how to draw manga and detailing my experiences for others.

Should my niche evolve and change completely over time, similar to how musicians evolve and change genres, or should I stay in the lane I’ve created for myself?

What if it’s not in my self-development niche, should I post it? Or do I start a new account just for that? Can It become part of my niche?

I don’t know, and I don’t have all the answers, and honestly, there is so much conflicting advice on Medium; I’m not sure where to start.

Normally, I would be happy if just one person read my article and got something out of it to improve themselves, but I also want to tell stories that inspire people’s emotions, just as others have done for me.

So, what is my niche? I guess I’ll wait and see where it takes me.

Okay, that’s my little rant over.



Matthew S

Coffee Lover, Content Writer, Mangaka dreamer, writing to inspire others to live a happier more fulfilling life :)