Running Ethereum nodes in high-availability cluster on AWS

Michael Shmulevich
4 min readSep 1, 2019


Many modern systems use Ethereum blockchain for mission-critical functionality.

In such systems, components like services, databases and queues usually are configured for high availability. Ethereum node just can’t be that single point of failure.

This article guides you through setting up high availability Ethereum node cluster using AWS EC2 and Application Load Balancer.

I assume you are familiar with Amazon Web Services EC2 and Load Balancer products.

Architecture overview

Solution highlights

  • Loosely coupled: AWS Elastic Load Balancer is used as a single endpoint abstracting away failover functionality.
  • Highly available: EC2 instances can be located in separate availability zones
  • Secure: all proposed software packages are open-source
  • Scalable: Load balancer naturally balances requests across nodes
  • Easy to implement: minimal and simple configuration, minimal or no changes to the existing architecture.

How it works

  • Ethereum node software is installed on EC2 instances.
  • AWS Application Load Balancer redirects RPC JSON requests from the Client Application to one of the EC2 instances.
  • In addition to the Ethereum node software, every EC2 instance also runs HTTP service eth-node-lb-healthcheck
  • Load balancer connects to eth-node-lb-healthcheck over http to perform periodic health check.
    This little HTTP service checks Ethereum node software health and synchronization state. To check synchronization, eth-node-lb-healthcheck obtains latest block from 3rd party service .
    If Ethereum node software is not available or is not synchronized, it will return HTTP error code 500 and Load balancer will mark EC2 instance as unhealthy, redirecting other requests to other node(s)

Integration notes

When node goes offline, several requests might fail while consequent requests will be forwarded to healthy nodes.

Make sure to implement retry for any RPC JSON Ethereum service consumer.

Setting up EC2 instances

To further improve cluster availability, I recommend placing EC2 instances running ETH to 2 separate Availability Zones.

Tip: You can configure one EC2 instance and then clone it in another availability zone

Install Ethereum node software

If you don’t have nodes already running, install it use a guide like

Tip: You will be using AWS-provided URI to connect to your cluster, so make sure to add --vhosts=* to GETH start string

Install node.js

~$ sudo apt update
~$ sudo apt install nodejs

Install npm

~$ sudo apt install npm

Install and configure eth-node-lb-healthcheck

~$ sudo npm install -g eth-node-lb-healthcheck

If you have installed eth-node-lb-healthcheck globally, configuration file should be located here:

Edit configuration file

~$ sudo vim /usr/local/lib/node_modules/eth-node-lb-healthcheck/.env

ETH_RPC_HOST: URI where Ethereum node software is running. Default:

ETH_RPC_PORT: RPC Port of the Ethereum node software. Default: 8545

ETH_NETWORK: Ethereum network. Possible values:

Default: ‘homestead

ETH_MONITOR_PORT: Port to run HTTP service. Default: 50000
Make sure this port is open in EC2 security groups

MAX_BLOCK_DIFFERENCE: Maximum blocks to consider Ethereum node software synchronized. Default:3

Install forever-service

~$ sudo npm install -g forever
~$ sudo npm install -g forever-service

Setup and launch

~$ sudo forever-service install  eth-node-lb-healthcheck -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/eth-node-lb-healthcheck/index.js --start

To setup service restart after server reboot

~$ sudo cat /home/ubuntu/
sudo service eth-node-lb-healthcheck restart

Create a cron job

crontab -e
@reboot sleep 60 && sh /home/ubuntu/ > /dev/null

Configuring load balancer

  1. Create Application Load Balancer
  • Set load balancer port to 8545
  • Set availability zones where your EC2 machines running node software are configured

2. Configure Security Groups

Important: Always control traffic to port 8545, never leave it wide open

3. Configure new Target Group

4. Register instances

Select instances and click “Add to registered”

5. Review and create load balancer

Testing the solution

From machine on the same LAN, try to connect to the geth cluster through ALB:

~$ curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” — data “{\”jsonrpc\”:\”2.0\”,\”method\”:\”eth_syncing\”,\”params\”:[],\”id\”:42}” http://<your_alb_uri>:8545

You should get response similar to this:


To test failover, try stopping ec2 instances in turn and connect using curl command above to check connectivity.

