Indian superstitions MYTH or TRUTH???

Siri Chandana Reddy
4 min readMar 3, 2023


Do you believe them???

Superstitions have been an integral part of Indian culture for ages. Despite scientific advancements and increased education, many Indians still believe in various superstitious beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation. These beliefs can be harmless, but they can also have negative effects on people’s lives. In this article, we will examine some of the most common Indian superstitions and determine whether they are myths or truths.

• Black Cat Crossing Your Path

One of the most popular superstitions in India is that a black cat crossing your path brings bad luck. This belief is prevalent not only in India but also in many other countries. According to the superstition, if a black cat crosses your path, you should turn back and wait for someone else to pass before continuing on your way.

Myth or Truth: Myth

There is no scientific or logical explanation for why a black cat crossing your path should bring bad luck. This belief is entirely superstitious and has no basis in fact. Black cats are not inherently unlucky, and crossing paths with one is just a coincidence.

• Breaking a Mirror

Another popular superstition in India is that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck. The belief is that the reflection in the mirror represents the soul, and breaking it causes damage to the soul.

Myth or Truth: Myth

Breaking a mirror is just an accident and has no impact on a person’s luck or soul. This superstition is entirely baseless and has no scientific evidence to support it.

• Sneezing

Sneezing is a natural bodily function that occurs when the nasal passage is irritated. However, in India, sneezing is often associated with superstitions. For example, it is believed that if you sneeze before leaving your house, your journey will be successful.

Myth or Truth: Myth

There is no evidence to support the idea that sneezing before leaving the house brings success. Sneezing is a common occurrence and has no correlation with a person’s success or failure.

• Itching Palms

Many people in India believe that if their palms itch, they will receive money soon. This belief is often associated with the idea of receiving unexpected financial gains.

Myth or Truth: Myth

There is no scientific or logical explanation for why itching palms should bring financial gain. This belief is entirely superstitious and has no basis in fact.

• Cutting Nails at Night

In India, it is believed that cutting nails at night brings bad luck. This superstition is believed to have originated from the idea that cutting nails at night can lead to accidents.

Myth or Truth: Myth

Cutting nails at night is not inherently dangerous and has no impact on a person’s luck. This belief is entirely superstitious and has no scientific evidence to support it.

• Peacock Feathers

Peacock feathers are considered to be auspicious in India and are often used in religious ceremonies and home decor. However, there is a belief that bringing peacock feathers into the house can bring bad luck.

Myth or Truth: Myth

Peacock feathers are not inherently unlucky and can be used for decoration or religious purposes without any negative consequences. This belief is entirely superstitious and has no scientific evidence to support it.

• Don’t Sweep at Night

In India, it is believed that sweeping the house at night brings bad luck. This belief is often associated with the idea that sweeping at night can lead to financial loss.

Myth or Truth: Myth

Sweeping at night is not inherently dangerous and has no impact on a person’s luck. This belief is entirely superstitious and has no scientific evidence to support

In conclusion, we have examined some of the most common Indian superstitions and found that they are all just myths. While it is important to respect our culture and elders, it is equally important not to blindly follow unproven traditions that can cause us harm. Instead, we should strive to make informed decisions and base our beliefs on scientific evidence and logical reasoning.

It is also important to remember that superstitions can have negative effects on people’s lives, such as causing unnecessary stress and anxiety. Therefore, we should try to educate ourselves and others about the myths and truths behind superstitions and encourage a rational and scientific approach to life.

In summary, let us respect our traditions and culture, but not at the expense of our well-being. Let us embrace a rational and logical approach to life and discard superstitions that have no basis in fact. By doing so, we can live our lives with confidence and make informed decisions that lead to our success and happiness.

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Come on What’s life without fun!!!!

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Don’t forget to smile : )



Siri Chandana Reddy

Love to write about book reviews including personal growth, self-improvement, productivity, entrepreneurship, technology, health and wellness & social issues.