Try live: SSD object detection, Mask R-CNN object detection and instance segmentation, SfMLearner depth and ego motion estimation, directly from your browser!

Marius Slavescu
1 min readFeb 3, 2018

All these can be run for free with GPU acceleration in Google Colaboratory!

All the code ready to be used in Google Colaboratory is available in this project:

Vision Based Adaptive Cruise Control

Click on Google Colaboratory direct links or download as raw the demo Jupyter notebooks listed there, upload them to Google Drive and open them in Colaboratory.

Thanks for the excellent article!

In the SSD demo I also used the best open source SSD object detection, Paul Balança’s TensorFlow implementation.

See here some examples from runs of each model:

The picture above shows a live video streamed from my phone to Google Colaboratory notebook, processed there and streamed back to my laptop in less then 500ms, while doing SSD object detection in 0.06sec/frame, all for free in the cloud with GPU acceleration!

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Marius Slavescu

STEMCA Inventor co-author, robotics/STEM education and DIY/maker platform, and Founder of GTA Robotics and OSSDC communities. Follow me at @gtarobotics