Stories from Big Red: Episode 4

Margaret Stewart
4 min readDec 4, 2017

I’m a firefighter in the Los Angeles area and we see it all. The heartbreaking, infuriating, miraculous, hilarious and touching — all in one shift. In Stories from Big Red, I will share these experiences with you.

Episode 4: Hands

My child birthing experience is limited to catching only, no pushing. While I can only imagine the emotions a new mother feels, it can get pretty crazy on our end too.

Fresh off probation, my EMT training on child birth had never been put to the test on a living, non-rubberized infant. When the call came in and we were responding to assist our rescue (paramedic ambulance) with an OBS call (obstetrics) I realize that is probably about to change. “To assist” means the rescue is already on scene and needs help, therefore we KNOW it’s a delivery in action. We just don’t know why they need more help.

That is…until we walk in the door. I see 4 hands inside a teenage mother, working desperately to get a baby out. As I’m quickly donning the sterile gloves we carry in the OBS kit, I take in the scenario unfolding.

A breach baby with the umbilical cord wrapped around it’s neck — a blue color instead of a healthy, oxygenated pink. One medic has hands on the baby, trying to work the cord over its neck while the 2nd medic is trying to create more space for the…



Margaret Stewart

Exploring, experiencing and enjoying the things that help me to Live Inspired