“ How to eliminate bed bugs permanently: A comprehensive guide to preventing bed bug infestation”.

4 min readJan 3, 2024


“Bed bugs in the seams of a mattress”
“Bed bugs in the seams of a mattress”

So, what are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small insects that are usually found on our beds and other furnishings in our houses. appearance-wise, the size of an adult bed bug is generally above the size of an apple seed (5–7 mm or 3/16 -1/4 inch long). They are long, brown in colour, with a flat, oval-shaped body (If not fed recently); balloon-like, reddish-brown, and more elongated (if fed recently). So, keep a lookout for the appearance to identify whether they have bitten someone or not because that someone might be you. Bed bugs feed only on blood and to survive and develop they must have regular blood meals. We are not only the targets of bed bugs they usually attack many warm-blooded animals, including poultry and other birds so, if you have birds, dogs, or cats as pets at home keep an eye on your pet friends. Or those critters might attack your friends. how to eliminate bed bugs permanently.

How and where do they emerge?

The main reason for the occurrence of bed bugs is uncleanliness. These critters usually occur in areas that are filled with dirt. areas like electrical outlets, picture frames, and wallpaper filled with dust, so these are roads to travel to our homes. Unfortunately, these sneaky insects can be found in almost any place inside a building, car, or other form of shelter. The most abundant place with bed bugs is hotels, they are mostly found on the back of headboards that are placed against the wall.

Are they harmful?

It depends on the person. If the person is allergic, then the bite might be severe if not it is not that severe. Sometimes there will be no physical appearance of the bite on other occasions there might be a small mark. Of course, it is not as dangerous as a bite of a venomous snake, but they can be severe cases like Anaphylaxis (A severe allergic reaction throughout the body). This will often occur to people who are allergic to bed bugs. There can be also secondary infections of the skin from the bite reaction, these secondary infections are mostly caused by scratching and damaging the bite area. Here are some examples of secondary infections Impetigo (a common and highly contagious skin infection caused due to a cut in the skin, insect bite, or other injuries), Ecthyma (Caused by the entering of the bacteria named streptococcus inside a cut rash or bug bite) and Lymphangitis (It is caused by inflammation of lymphatic vessels).

How to identify a bed bug bite?

When bed bugs bite it usually causes red spots or bumps on our skin it is very similar to a flea bite, but we can identify it using simple clues like the pattern and the area of the bite. Another little clue to find whether they have done the job of biting us while we were sleeping is that they would leave traces of rust-coloured stains on blankets or sheets. The most annoying thing of all of it is that their bites cause itchiness.

How do you treat bed bug bites?

After Identifying the bite put something cool like a clean damp cloth on the affected area make sure that the area is very clean otherwise it may cause unnecessary infections. Damping it with a wet cloth is effective to get help with the itchiness and swelling. If the affected area is very achieved, then consult a doctor, and obtain a prescription usually doctors’ apps provide corticosteroid cream you can also obtain a weak form of this cream without the prescription of the doctor from your local drug store. How to treat a bed for bed bugs

What are the precautions we must take to avoid bed bugs? how to treat a bed for bed bugs?

Firstly, make sure your house is clean and tidy and once a month deep clean your whole house. If you visited a place that was infested with bed bugs make sure to check your luggage thoroughly after returning and to avoid any chances of infestation clean the luggage and your clothes. Avoid having a lot of clutter lying around the house to reduce hiding places for them and be careful when you are using shad a laundry facility. Immediately after removing the clothes from the dryer transfer them into a clean

FAQs: Answers to Common Questions

1. Can alcohol kill bed bugs?

Indeed, alcohol can instantly destroy bed bugs. However, because it can’t get to concealed eggs or bugs, it might not be able to completely eradicate an infestation.

2. Can bed bugs live outside?

- Bed bugs usually Favor cosy interior spaces near their hosts, including beds or couches. They can endure brief periods outside, but they are most at home indoors where they can have access to blood meals.

3. Can bleach kill bed bugs?

It is not advised to use bleach to get rid of bed bugs. Although it can instantly kill certain insects, it is ineffective against bed bugs and might be harmful if misused.

4. Can pet dogs carry bed bugs?

- Bed bugs can indeed be carried by pet dogs. They may unintentionally spread bed bugs from one place to another, even though they are not their favourite host.

5. Can pet cats carry bed bugs?

- It is true that house cats may harbour bed bugs. Bed bugs can travel great distances on the fur of cats.

6. Can pet chickens carry bed bugs?

- It is unlikely that pet hens will harbour bed bugs. Generally, bed bugs are not usually seen on birds, especially chickens, and they prefer the blood of humans.

