Choosing Battles

Michele Matthews
2 min readMar 1, 2023
Peace over everything. Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

I am not afraid of confrontation. I don’t seek it out, but I don’t run away from it either. When I was a young woman, I had not yet learned how to choose my battles. I did not know how to decide which confrontation was worth my time and which confrontation wasn’t.

As a young woman, I believed that winning arguments was my superpower. It was my way of staying strong. It was a defense mechanism. I had to have the last word every single time. Back then it was more important to be right than to be happy. I have terminated so many relationships over petty things that probably weren’t even worth arguing over.

Thankfully, my experiences (and therapy) have given me some wisdom and I am grateful that I have changed. My philosophy now is “peace over everything”. Nothing is worth losing my peace. When faced with the decision to engage in a confrontation, I ask myself first: what is the desired outcome? The answer to that question guides me in my decision. There are people out there who just want to test you to see how far they can go. To them, I say, “You gets none, here!”

I’m not doing it. Don’t get me wrong, I am more than capable of standing up for myself and I will never allow someone to walk over me or take me for granted. However, everything is not an argument. Everyone is not out to get me.

I have learned the importance of choosing my battles to maintain peace.

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Michele Matthews

Writer of fiction, non-fiction and essays. Mother, grandmother, sober, fitness enthusiast, movie lover.