Steroid oil

2 min readOct 29, 2021


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BA is a potent antiseptic solvent as being a sterilizing agent,whose main function for your purposes is keeping a solution bacteriostatic and sterile.

Benzyl alcohol has bacteriostatic properties: to put it differently it typically won’t kill bacteria, but does prevent their growth. A clear oil solution of the steroid, without particulate matter, completely lacks nutrients required for bacteria to cultivate: by way of example there are no reasons for nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus etc which are absolutely required for bacterial growth. However, if as an example allowing skin particles or food residue to be introduced to the oil solution, then bacterial growth becomes possible. However, if cleansing the septum and using a brand new needles, which should not take place.

Benzyl Alcohol is often the primary solvent and sometime the sole solvent within a given formula. It’s presence just 0.9% is enough to prevent the majority of microbial rise in solution.However, due to the solvency power it’s employed to keep hormones in solution with oil and other vehicles. It is also among the thinnest (that is certainly great for viscosity reduction).

Benzyl Alcohol (BA) can also be employed to boost the lipid solubility of esterfied compounds also to prevent bacteria growth in the oil.

The shorter the ester, the harder BA is required to have the compound to dissolve.More BA is necessary to dissolve the raw powder to create high concentration products.

The key downside of this solvent would it be can make for painful injections if the concentration goes above 10%. (This really is for just about any low molecular weight alcohol). Below this tends to be painless for many people.

