How to Be a True Gentleman? Say It, Good-Bye! To the Pathetic Life

M. Sohaib Khan
7 min readAug 16, 2021


Nobody can beat a confident, reputable, respectful, and admired person. Because he holds the power to conquer the hearts of others by his actions. By leaving their first impact of confident personality, people get attracted to them. Who doesn’t want to be reputed, every single individual right?

Let’s be honest;

Nowadays, not every person is a gentleman.

So, here’s the question why? As we know that, not every man is a posh, respectable, well-mannered, confident, and elegant person. In a single word, I’ll say a “Well-Born” man.

A true gentleman treats his relations very uniquely than the others, sometimes it might seem like a gentleman doesn’t exist. But, you have to be patient about it and you’ll recognize him soon. A positive attitude shines from their appearance, they remain very calm, comfortable, and collected. Some might think it is a genetic trait, that you get from your ancestors. But in actual means, it’s all about lifestyle.

George Bernard Shaw says;

“A gentleman puts more into the world than he takes out”

Here, I decided to write this effective guide for you guy’s to get you familiar with a true gentleman and how you can kick out the pathetic life? However, It is not an overnight transition or something you are born with, It will cost your time and practice. Let’s straight get into it.

Be Presentable and Well-Dressed

To look presentable a gentleman always takes care of his body whenever he steps out. Properly maintain your hygiene, take a daily shower, use some empowering odor any deodorant or body spray to feel fresh and clean. Believe me, it doesn’t matter how charming you are and how better you are dressed if you don’t smell pleasant to people. Groom yourself well by trimming and cleaning your nails. Comb your hairs and shave your facial hair or maintain it properly if you have a solid beard to avoid looking shabby.

The dressing is a concept, everyone is fond of. But in this process, you ought to have a proper sense to wear according to the occasion. It creates a jumble to everyone what to wear and what to not. Always choose those clothes that fit your body, don’t be over fashioned be simple and nice, try to stick with a proper dress code. A true gentleman holds the proper know-how to dressing manners. That’s the thing making you more elegant, smart and reflects your personality.

“Being a male is a matter of birth, But being a gentleman is a matter of choice”

(Decision is yours)

Power of Words Create an Impact

It matters, how you interact with people? how you make balance in your conversation? and how do you remain calm in difficult situations? Being a gentleman your communication is a great weapon and chance to create your space in the people at the excellence level.

A gentleman always speaks politely and keeps holding his limits, whenever he argues with someone. You can disagree with others, no issue with that. But need to understand your opponent first to argue respectfully. So, be wise in choosing your words and notify the demanding condition of the occasion

Whether it is a business deal, talking to strangers, or with your know persons, you have to maintain your sequence to interact and be confident, kind, and polite with your word. Speak the way, your front man should sense that you are speaking in his favor. Always trying to be productive and help others is a primary key to building trust in you and glorifying yourself in daily affairs. Do remember the power of words and keep practicing to meet your ethos.

Listen to the People and Being Trustworthy

Usually, people notice and say that “this man is not listening to us”. But that is not the case with the gentleman. Their priorities are to let people speak and listen to them keenly. To make your acceptance you have to listen first and observe the matter to respond with quality words. You need to be confident and clear with your standpoints to lead your company. Everybody loves to listen to such person, who understand their feelings and speak to them by heart. Speak, listen and love a way to live a gentle life.

Don’t ever try to cheat and being cheap to somebody you’ll lose your dignity. A true gentleman provides people wise suggestions and is always honest in his affairs. If you don’t understand the matter you can simply apologize for that. In a mean way, you have to trust your partner to make your bond stronger. With this concept, you will be a worthy personality in your circle.

Bring Positive Attitude to Beat Toxic

The company you’re living indirectly impacts your lifestyle and mindset. Your gathering decides what you gonna be successful or a loser. To gain a gentle personality you need to kick out the pathetic environment you’re living in.

If you hang out with four broke guy’s you will be the fifth

Bring a positive attitude to your lifestyle, and defend your bright personality to flourish. Keep practicing to think optimistic, when you do that you’ll see an amazing change in you and people start liking you. Surround yourself with the intellectual community and try to bring some positive activities into your life.

Be Kind & Generous to Others

Kindness and generosity to others make us feels so good. As a simple logic “Do good, feel good”.

No one welcomes any rude and rigid attitude. Every single being is respectful they should be treated in mannered. The best part about this trait is the most wanted attribute by the women. They wanted men to behave polite and generous to them to get attracted. Now, you can be more beneficial and get opportunities on time by improving your lifestyle. This attribute helps you to understand the feeling of other people. It softens your heart for them and you start taking it personally.

Enough Love to keep Enriching

True gentleman enough love himself to keep improving. He keeps trying all the time to make himself better and better. He knows well, what parts need more efficiency to grow on. He finds out and makes it happens with his full efforts.

Life is a name of continuity and remains in motion. Gentleman finds out demanded strategies by the time and feeds it to himself. Improving your lifestyle will- power concerns a lot in it. Impossible, doesn’t exist in the dictionary of will-power. Gentlemen strive to achieve their goals by setting their life-improving benchmarks.

Values and Protection to Relations

Providing values to your relationship is a big act to appreciate. True gentleman takes firm steps to protect his relation. He never let down his partner. Make his partner feels very safe and sound with him. Some other types of protection he may offer like;

· Financial help

· Emotional & moral security

· Provides comfort at the time of anguish

His personality never allows anyone to hurt his relation by any means. He becomes a true guard to his partner. That’s the brave and cultured behavior that comes from a true gentleman. You have to offer respect and values to your partner to live a lively life.

Step Up to Be Visible in the Folk

Be courageous to take initiative in life. It builds up the confidence to do more and makes you visible in the millions. Stop being so pathetic, snap out to live on others, and rely on yourself to lead the folk.

The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but has no vision”- Helen Keller

Be factual and think wisely to make decisions like a gentle person. Remember, you are the parliament of your mind, then it comes to you how to treat yourself. Smile to the people, walk erect, look forward, shake your hand firmly, be truthful, and organized your community to be a leading character. Apply read more and do more, you’ll be a champ.

Never worried about criticism. This is not meant to let you down, a gentleman takes it as an up-thrust to excel and fight for his life. He fixes up the issues and moves persistently before they get worst.

Final Thoughts of Being a Gentleman

As you can see, how unique way of life a gentleman lives. These are the precious life-changing chronicles that make a man a polished character. You can play an important role in your community and become an inspiration for some others. People always welcome and appreciate such personalities in their lives. I hope, it becomes obvious for you fella’s to be a flourishing and lively personality.



M. Sohaib Khan

Hi, this is Sohaib Khan. I'm a Blogger and Freelance Content writer. For any assistance and services reach me out at (