How Women Drive Men Crazy

Blake Hall
3 min readApr 21, 2023


Photo by Ben Iwara on Unsplash

Spoiler Alert: Ladies, if you’re hoping for an article on Five Ways To Make A Man Crazy For You, then this one ain’t for you. This is about all the things that women do which make men bang their heads against the wall and seriously consider a new life as a monk or a hermit in a cave. I don’t want to speak for the entire male gender — there are enough feminists doing that already, but these things are what specifically drive ME crazy.

It’s The Tests, Stupid

Yup, it’s all about the tests. OMG the fucking tests. Women enjoy testing men even when they are in an established relationship but they really excel at testing potential partners. YouTube currently has about 600,000 dating coaches who will tell you that it’s just what women do. Sometimes they don’t even know they are doing it. Testing is part of female nature.

Just like when they test pair of swanky new shoes by wading around in a swamp. Or test an ice cream by leaving it out in the sun. Or when they test their hairdresser by not telling him what cut they really want — I mean hairdressers should just GET IT without all this weak, hand-holding BS, right?

The dating tests are many and varied but they all seem to boil down to seeing how a man copes with rejection. If you’re old enough to remember a book called The Rules, which shockingly became a New York Times best seller in 1995, you’ll know that its alternative title was Fifty Shades of Female Rejection. Thirty years ago it was fringe stuff. Today its tenets are very much mainstream. Playing hard to get, blowing hot and cold, never calling, ignoring text messages and flaking on dates are all types of intentional rejection. Rejection sucks for everyone but considering how badly most women deal with rejection themselves, it’s an odd strategy for them to make so much use of.

Fortunately the dating coaches will easily walk you through these tests. If you demonstrate confusion or hurt or frustration or generally become pissed off with being dicked around, then YOU FAIL. You are labelled as weak, needy, clingy and thirsty. Not good partner material.

In order to pass, you must not care about being mistreated. You must be completely unemotional. If you’re not Mister Spock then you must become skilled at suppressing or masking your true emotions…because the emotionally unavailable man who doesn’t communicate how he really feels is apparently the keeper. That 1950s male stereotype is just SO 21st Century, am I right, ladies?

Dance Monkey, Dance

Here’s the thing — If you insist that a man must jump through hoops to be with you, you’ll only attract men who enjoy hoop-jumping — and those men are not necessarily the best relationship material. They are usually more about the challenge than the prize and often have their eye on the next girl and the next set of hoops. For the rest of us, a woman who continually puts up barriers is a woman who has low interest. We don’t like jumping through the hoops. We become dispirited and eventually move on. Oh and BTW, if you’re aiming for the super-hot Perfect Ten kind of guy, they don’t do hoop jumping at all. Sorry, but they don’t need to.

Beta Male Alert

Now before you consign me to the Incel / Red Pill / Sore Loser category, be aware that over the past 30-odd years I’ve had two wives, numerous girlfriends and a few casual partners and not one of them ever felt the need to pull this shit. They were all great relationships. Back in the day, mutual attraction was all it took. Nowadays, every woman seems intent on self-sabotaging their potential romantic and casual relationships. I don’t get it. It’s not “just what women do”. It’s what women do NOW.

Maybe it’s the a sign of progress. Women are becoming more independent, more empowered and less reliant on men in general. They certainly have a lot more choices when it comes to available partners. I applaud all of those things, I really do. But I also think that at the end of the day, most straight women want decent, kind men who are emotionally available and I’m not sure if this bullshit is getting anyone what they want.



Blake Hall

A middle aged white guy's observations on relationships