Marketing in the Future: Analyzing the Advanced Technologies in “Minority Report” and their Impact on the Industry.

Marketing Insight
7 min readJan 25, 2023


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In the movie “Minority Report,” set in the year 2054, the main character John Anderton, head of the Precrime Unit, uses several advanced technologies for marketing, some of which are not currently in use in our current reality. The movie, directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 2002, is based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. The movie offers a glimpse into a future where technology has advanced to a point where it plays a significant role in society, including in the field of marketing. In this article, we will explore the marketing technologies used in the movie and compare them to current technologies, as well as discuss the potential implications of such technologies for the future of marketing.

One of the most prominent technologies used in the movie for marketing is the “Pre-Crime” system, which uses psychics known as “Precogs” to predict and prevent crimes before they happen. The Pre-Crime system is used in the movie as a way to market products and services to individuals who are predicted to commit crimes in the future. This technology is not currently in use for marketing, as it raises ethical concerns and is not possible with current technology. The use of psychics for predicting crimes raises serious questions about privacy and civil liberties, and it is unlikely that such a system would be implemented in the real world due to these concerns.

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Another tool used in the movie is a personalized advertising system, where billboards and storefront displays recognize individuals as they pass by and display personalized ads based on their personal data and preferences. This technology is similar to current technologies such as facial recognition and targeted advertising, but the level of personalization and integration with the physical environment in the movie is not currently possible.

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In today’s world, facial recognition technology is being used by some companies, but it is not yet at the level of personalization and integration seen in the movie. Targeted advertising is also used by many companies, but it is not yet as advanced as it is depicted in the movie. However, as technology continues to advance, it is possible that we will see more personalized and integrated advertising in the future.

The movie also depicts the use of interactive holographic displays in advertising and billboards, which allow people to interact with products and services in a more immersive way. This technology is not currently in use for marketing but it is being developed and can be seen in some innovations like holographic displays, virtual reality and augmented reality. Virtual and augmented reality are becoming more prevalent and are being used in many different industries, including gaming, healthcare, and education.

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However, the technology is not yet at the level of integration and immersion seen in the movie. It is possible that in the future, we will see more widespread use of virtual and augmented reality in advertising and other areas of marketing. This could lead to a more immersive and interactive experience for consumers, potentially increasing engagement and driving more sales.

In the movie, the use of technology in advertising is taken to the extreme, with a surveillance state that uses personal data to predict and prevent crimes, and personalize advertising to a level that raises ethical concerns. However, it is important to note that while the technology in the movie is fictional, it is not implausible that some of these technologies will eventually be developed and used in marketing.

One of the major implications of these advanced technologies is the potential for increased privacy concerns. As companies gain access to more personal data, there is a risk that this information could be misused or mishandled. It is important for companies to be transparent about how they collect, use, and protect personal data, and for individuals to be aware of their rights and options for controlling their personal information.

Another implication is the potential for increased inequality. As technology advances, it is likely that access to advanced technologies will be concentrated among larger, more well-funded companies, giving them an advantage over smaller, less well-funded companies. This could lead to increased competition and a decrease in innovation in the marketing industry.

It is important to note that the use of technology should be done responsibly, with the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole in mind. It is crucial for businesses to be transparent about how they collect, use and protect personal data, and for individuals to be aware of their rights and options for controlling their personal information.

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Another implication of the advanced technologies seen in “Minority Report” is the potential for increased automation in the marketing industry. With the use of data analytics and predictive technologies, companies may be able to automate many of the tasks that are currently done by human marketers, such as targeting specific demographics and creating personalized ad campaigns. This could lead to increased efficiency and cost savings for companies, but it could also lead to job loss and reduced opportunities for human marketers.

As automation becomes more prevalent in the marketing industry, it will be important for human marketers to adapt and acquire new skills that complement the technology. For example, human marketers may need to become more skilled in data analysis and interpretation, in order to effectively use the data generated by automated systems. They may also need to become more skilled in creative and strategic thinking, in order to develop effective campaigns that cannot be easily replicated by automated systems.

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Another implication of advanced marketing technologies is the potential for increased personalization in advertising. With the use of data analytics and predictive technologies, companies may be able to create highly personalized ad campaigns that are tailored to the specific interests and behaviors of individual consumers. This could lead to increased engagement and conversions, but it could also lead to increased concerns about privacy and data security.

As personalization becomes more prevalent in advertising, it will be important for companies to be transparent about how they collect, use, and protect personal data, and for individuals to be aware of their rights and options for controlling their personal information. Consumers may also become more skeptical of personalized advertising, if they feel that their personal data is being used without their consent or in ways that they find objectionable.

Another implication of advanced marketing technologies is the potential for increased competition and a decrease in innovation. With the use of data analytics and predictive technologies, companies may be able to create highly effective ad campaigns that are difficult for competitors to replicate. This could lead to increased market share and revenue for companies that have access to these technologies, but it could also lead to decreased innovation and competition in the marketing industry.

As the use of advanced marketing technologies becomes more widespread, it will be important for companies to find ways to differentiate themselves and stay competitive. This could involve investing in new technologies, or developing new strategies and tactics that are not easily replicated by competitors. Companies may also need to focus on building strong relationships with customers, in order to maintain their loyalty and differentiate themselves from competitors.

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Another implication of advanced marketing technologies is the potential for increased pressure on companies to be more socially and environmentally responsible. With the rise of data analytics and predictive technologies, companies may be able to create highly effective ad campaigns that are tailored to the specific interests and behaviors of individual consumers, including their social and environmental values. This could lead to increased pressure on companies to be more socially and environmentally responsible, in order to appeal to these consumers.

As the importance of social and environmental responsibility becomes more widely recognized, it will be important for companies to develop a strong social and environmental track record, in order to appeal to consumers. This could involve investing in renewable energy, reducing waste, or supporting social causes, among other things. Companies that are able to effectively communicate their social and environmental efforts will be more likely to appeal to socially and environmentally conscious consumers.

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In conclusion, the movie “Minority Report” offers a glimpse into a future where technology plays a significant role in society, including in the field of marketing. While some of the technologies used in the movie, such as the Pre-Crime system, are not currently in use and raise ethical concerns, other technologies, such as personalized advertising and interactive holographic displays, are similar to current technologies but are not yet as advanced or integrated. As technology continues to advance, it is important for businesses to stay informed and consider how these technologies may impact their marketing strategies, while also being aware of the potential implications such as privacy concerns, inequality, job loss, reduced innovation, increased pressure to be socially and environmentally responsible, and increased competition. It is crucial for businesses to use technology responsibly, with the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole in mind.



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