4 min readMar 26, 2022


Presenting werenode which is an electric vehicles charging stage which has help to make charging of electric vehicles secure and convinent using blockchain innovation to create charging foundation And assist with diminishing the issues engaged with changing electric vehicles, with werenode electric vechicles proprietor can charge their vechicles using werecoin, this can likewise be vechicles-to-vechicle charging where clients can share their battery accuse of different clients involving pay-more only as costs arise strategy for vehicle to vechicles charging.

werenode is natively from France however has spread it’s Electric vechicles supply hardware across Europe has assist with taking care of the issues of scant charging point
To make charging stations more dependable, which likewise works an open and decentralized framework which gives space for werenode to client become a charging point administrator and create income freely,
Through this implies werenode can accomplish it’s objective of reachIng 2 million charging stations by 2027.

Werenode stage works with guaranteed security and precise environment that is the reason werenode has choosen to work with development blockchain Tezos which is dependable in the space of safety and auditability and the dependability of Tezos savvy agreements can be officially confirmed, the expense of Tezos exchange is Low enough for the EV charging market costing about £10 not at all like other blockchain chain Tezos is reasonable and monetarily shrewd to client,

In light of the huge number of clients , charging point, charging point administrators station and electric versatility administrators werenode as started blockchain innovation to complete it’s exercises,
Genuinely werenode is the eventual fate of electric vechicles which is self-evident and authentic the market development is additionally exceptionally solid from $2.5 billion out of 2019 and has an anticipated development of $27.7 billion of every 2027 appearance a development of 34.7% more than $18.2 billion
Evidently werenode objectives are being accomplished bit by bit by 2027 werenode hopes to recuperate 2% of europe’s income from electric charging, the objectives can be pushed through sending the werenode iOS and android portable application that will then take advantage of the complete capability of accessible advances and permit the acknowledgment of ordinary method for installment the principle digital currency.

How about we take a gander at a portion of the benefit of made conceivable and open for clients by the werenode group.

(I) The Open and decentralized framework figured.

  • out by the werenode group outfitted towards making changing infastructure accessible and reasonable through. The execution of Tezos blockchain innovation making a road for clients to effortlessly share a charging station, werenode is a different stage and can too open it accomplice to different open doors very much like giving them space to participate in exercises in accordance with versatility, for example, vehicle sharing or different method for portability.

(ii) werenode commercial center:

  • framework has coordinated a protected and reasonable commercial center which will assist with hoisting approaching task, through the efficient market little administrators are given admittance to draw in and do their exercises in an interpretable environment,
    Which will assist little administrators with making productive proposals on charging of electrical vechicles.

(iii) Flexibility and versality :

  • All instance of little and enormous client are largely under the shelter of werenode framework right from membership for the huge players in re-energizing to pay-more only as costs arise for the little ones has been made simple to utilize and connected with blockchain.

(iv) Traceability and straightforwardness :

  • werenode has made a decentralized framework where everything exchange can plainly be displayed on recorded Tezos blockchain, which is energy productive, discernible, methodicallly recorded and auditable.

Conclusion :

  • Explanations behind the utilization of blockchain by werenode
    Blockchain innovation has been utilized by werenode for the best of reasons by in other to make charging of electrical vechicles safe and tranquil. The utilization of blockchain likewise makes secure installment implies and furthermore permits huge number of secure declaration, EV client can simply pay when the accuse of most extreme security.
    With no month to month membership.
    Just by downloading the werenode and making a record which is additionally exceptionally simple to run you gain admittance to all elements on werenode, make installment with werecoin
    Also, gain admittance to EVSE (Electric vechicles supply gear)

For more information :

Website : https://werenode.com/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/werenode

Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/20948tdORW1hZTlk

White paper : https://werenode.com/documents/Werenode_whitepaper_22_01_10.pdf

Author by :

Bitcointalk username: Clengel

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3447591

Proof link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5387828.msg59466116#msg59466116

Wallet : 0xbBdace175d85FE1eD5F0Bf51925c8552fB614DeD

