Marshall Islands

Matthew Sullivan
3 min readOct 24, 2017


Marshall Island

Population: 53,066


The marshall islands are a archeplagio that is west of America. Some people don’t consider it a country. I think it is. These islands were named after a dude which is kinda cool but weird when you think about it. Like nearly as weird as Columbus calling them Indians and it sticking. How long did people think they were in india. Like at some point they had to realize they were wrong. Also fun fact, Schmiddys favorite Holiday is Columbus day. Problematic City. The Citizens are called Marshallese and speak Marshallese which is ridiculous. John Marshall didn’t even find them some Spaniard did. John Marshall should just be the law school that people go to when they cant get into Northwestern or University of Chicago. A Guy named Miguel López de Legazpi actually found it. Way better explorer name. Probably did some bad stuff though. Im starting to think they just took big weirdos and stuck them on ships and said get outta here. A American whaling ship went there once way back when. Im not sure how whaling worked/s. I would like to research that some time. The Spanish took control of this but were so far away that it doesn’t seem like they had a lot to do with it. The Germans took over when the Spanish we in a war on account of them having a assload of coconut oil. Germany gave that area up in World War 2 because they were almost done and two brothers kissing in the middle of a bomb. The Japs took over. Also Japs shouldn’t be a slur if it is. Its literally a shortening of the name. They hid a ton of soldiers on the island so the US had to come by and show em whats up but kinda murked the whole island. Lotta damage to the islands. After WW2 the amercians took over the islands but then gave them back. I wish America had more places like guam and PR. Makes the country look important. But before we gave them independence we dropped a ton of nukes just to see what would happen. Parts of the island are essed still. But look on the bright side. The islanders got like a billion dollars from the us as a sorry. 1 billion/ 53066 = a good chunk of dough. Also I know this may be a hot take but nukes are sweet. I know its bad that we have them but mushroom clouds are dope. Also in my mind they are pretty much those fireball explosions that are at firework shows but way bigger. SO when the us gave them back the country they kept one island and just practice shooting missiles there. That’s got to be the most cake job in the army. Shooting missiles in the pacicifc islands getting a tan drinking red stripe probably. Good work if you can get it. Since then jack s has happened recently. People do studies there on radiation. Apparently the fish get really big there. Also they are a shark sanctuary. Im sure that sounds way cooler then it is. Also like what are the Marshallsese going to stop people from fishing for sharks? Like its so much room in the ocean. This place may be underwater pretty soon cause of ice caps and the like. (Fake News Media). Only cool animals are sharks and sea turtles, which may be an all time underrated animal. Everybody is super unhealthy there. Like diabetes and obeseity. Also 50 percent of all surgeries are amputations for diabetes related sickness. Pretty bad. Each island had a governor which is kinda cool. Like something from pirate times. Under the culture section is one sentence. “Although the ancient skills are now in decline, the Marshallese were once able navigators, using the stars and stick-and-shell charts.” Must be a cultural mecca. And for jobs people fish and collect those sweet H bomb checks. In Review from a distance looks like a pretty sweet place. But as I often find out cause I lost my glasses when I was really smeeged once, looks good from far and far from good. 4/10

