Mark Suster
1 min readNov 1, 2016


I can only tell you what I tell my kids:

  • Hillary was wrong to use a private email server. She had been in government long enough and obviously planned to run for the presidency so doing this showed bad judgment.
  • I don’t believe she is a “criminal” because she used poor judgment. In fact, the Republican Director of the FBI himself said he wouldn’t recommend criminal action
  • If we try to criminalize all political behavior (constantly calling for oversight committees, war crime tribunals, witch hunts over past business dealings) then we will dissuade anybody from serving public office.
  • In summary, Hillary has made some good choices and some bad choices in life. The email server was clearly stupid. But it doesn’t detract from 30 years of public service in which she was a US Senator and the Secretary of State and served our country, which most people have not.

I have many friends who have hated Hillary for 20 years. I am not one of them but I try not to minimize their political beliefs in the same way I have despised Mitch McConnell but accept others may agree with him.



Mark Suster

2x entrepreneur. Sold both companies (last to Turned VC looking to invest in passionate entrepreneurs — I’m on Twitter at @msuster