Vietnam travel blog: Day 2

Ms. Wonder
3 min readApr 15, 2024


To see day one of this trip, click here

We woke up to a bright morning looking forward to lots of activities. Full of excitement, we got ready and headed down for a quick breakfast buffet at our hotel. After a sumptuous breakfast, we hauled our suitcases to the bus for yet another drive.

We were going to the Cu Chi tunnels! These tunnels were used by the Vietnam army during the Vietnam war to travel unnoticed. It was an interactive experience where we got to go into the tunnels ourselves. Our bus stopped for a break at a display of war equipment. After the break, we took a group photo and headed to the tunnels.

War equipment

We trekked through a forest for a short while before reaching a small hall with chairs. One of our tour guides was there and he explained about Vietnam’s war history. We understood how important these tunnels were to the Vietnamese troops to move around safely.

After that, we trekked back to what seemed like a bunch of leaves. I certainly was confused about why we were here. Just as I was about to ask, the tour guide brushed off a few of the leaves to reveal the entrance of a surprisingly small tunnel. Each of us took turns to enter the tunnel one by one so that no one would get stuck in the tiny entrance.

Cu chi tunnel

We went to more tunnels which thankfully were not as cramped as this one. There were many underground rooms such as a meeting room and a hospital, with statues to demonstrate how the room was used. The pathway to each room was tiny, as expected, so we had to stay crouched down. However, for the small tunnel, we had to crawl, which made the exit extremely slow.

Then, we walked a bit to see a display of handmade traps. We were told that these traps were used to kill the unsuspecting enemy. Some of them included one which had rollers with sharp nails on it, which would potentially kill anyone who stepped inside by mistake. We also got to see a trap which had a false roof that flipped when someone walked on it, causing them to fall into a pit with nails.

Roller trap
Flipping roof trap

This closed our trip to the Cu Chi tunnels. We climbed back into the bus for a quick lunch then got ready for a four hour bus drive to another place. On the bus, we were talking about sliding on grass.

Sliding on grass? Where are we going? Click here to find out!



Ms. Wonder

Hi! I'm a young student who lives in Singapore. I like to travel and play music. Send me an email at: