Vietnam travel blog: Day 3

Ms. Wonder
3 min readApr 16, 2024


To read day 1 in Ho Chi Minh City, click here

The day before, after the caves, we drove to a new place called Madagui forest. Once there we had dinner and slept.

We woke up to the bright sun shining through our windows, with a trek awaiting us. We quickly got ready and climbed up a steep slope to reach breakfast.

After breakfast, we gathered for a photo then started our trek. We walked about three kilometers in the forest, and also walked on many suspension bridges. There was also many new sights on the trek, such as big rocks with unique carvings on them like elephants.

Stone carving

As I was getting tired, we stopped trekking. We reached an area with a down-hill slope of grass, and some unique vehicles perched on the top. We were going grass sliding! We all made five lines, and took turns. Some of us went straight, while some people went in an awkward direction and ended up banging into the sides. (Don’t worry! There was cushioning so nobody got hurt!) Some people took second turns but I was tired from the long queue as I was one of the last people to go.

Grass sliding

After that, it was a short walk back to our rooms. Once there, we got ready for our next activity. Kayaking and Ziplining! Our class went for kayaking first along with 2 other classes, while the rest went for ziplining. Kayaking happened in a big lake within the resort, and it was done in pairs. They had a race as well from one end to the other, and the top three pairs got a prize.


Next, we went ziplining. First, we had to listen to the instructions given by the instructor. However, we could not understand the language, thus the tour guide had to translate everything. Soon, we went to collect our harnesses and then it was off to the zipline! I didn’t find it scary at all except for the end, where we seemed to be speeding and about to bang our legs, but they applied a break just in time.


After that, we went back to the room, had dinner and went to sleep. The next day, we were going to drive to a new place, and we were talking about going to a house… except its not what you would think!

Where are we going?? Click here to find out!



Ms. Wonder

Hi! I'm a young student who lives in Singapore. I like to travel and play music. Send me an email at: