Mǻs ßòóy
1 min readSep 10, 2016


Diego please tell us about your future plans ?


I don’t know what the fuck I am going to do, but I know I will not play by anyone’s rules
life is fun, and hard at the same time

Right now I am the artist of Defending the endangered movement a movement
created by my very best friend actress Jon Mack to fight poaching and trophy
hunting so check it out http://www.defendingtheendangered.com/

And I am the image of eindrink app a cool mobile app where you can
find events around you, places, a date etc. … go check it out http://www.eindrink.com/

Diego are you back in the fashion industry ?
I’m not sure I understand what fashion is anymore, fashion is something you feel
but you can’t describe, I think my work in fashion is done, but as an artist
I am influenced for all my years in fashion industry and sometimes for special clients
I play the role of a model sometimes, but is not my priority anymore

OK guy no more questions !! bye, bye “he says”

He took my breath away! Love his intense look.
Whatever you are selling, I’m buying!

Find more pictures about him here:

