3 Common Kinds of Drones That You Need To Know

Tammy Martin
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


Nowadays, technology has already invented a lot of new and modern things that every people can use for different purposes, whether to make tasks easy and fast or just to have fun and enjoy. One of these new and modern things is the drones which are commonly known as flying robots or aircraft. Drones can be used for both of these purposes that is why many people are interested in it. To get to know more about drones, you can also visit the website of Fully Droned. But first of all, you should familiarize yourself first with its common kinds which can be seen in the list below.

These common kinds of drones that you must be familiar with are all given in the list below.

1. Multirotor

Coming first on this list is the multirotor kind of drone which is commonly used by both drone enthusiasts and drone professionals. This kind is also very popular with many people because it offers a wide range of applications which includes video surveillance, aerial shooting, and photography, surveying, and other more drone applications. The multirotor can also come in different classifications depending on its rotor’s number. These are the tricopters for three rotors, the quadcopters for four, the hexacopters for six, and lastly, the octocopters for a number of eight rotors which is also the commonly used one among these classifications. Multirotor is also an affordable drone so it is ideal for those who do not have enough budget for it but looking for a quality one.

2. Fixed Wing

Another common kind of drone is the fixed wing which works well for those people who have already a lot of experience and knowledge with drones. This kind is capable of transversing distances that are long, surveying wide and big areas, and especially staying in close ranges. It also has a significant and efficient thrust generating power so it can do high vertical lifts. Fixed wing also comes with engines that are powered by gasoline, so you can expect that it is capable of staying for about 15 hours across the air.

3. Single Rotor

One more common kind of drone is the single rotor which looks like a toy or miniature helicopter. The same with fixed wing, the single rotor also has an engine that is powered by gasoline fuel so that it can fly for a long period of time. This kind can also generate a more powerful and efficient thrust as compared to the other kind,multirotors. This became possible since that single rotor has a larger size of rotor that spins slowly.

As a result of reading this full article about the common kinds of drones, you are now more familiar with its different and common kinds. With this, you now also have a better idea of which one is the best to choose if ever that you are planning to buy one. You can also check the page of Fully Droned to get more information about this technology.

