Why Discrimination is wrong

Michael Behling
3 min readJun 27, 2020

As an advocate for equality, and someone who knows racism is wrong and unfair, I thought it was common sense that people would know how wrong racism is. I didn’t think that there was a need to justify the need for equality. However, especially in these times, it has become evident that some people simply accept racism and even advocate for it. It’s come to the point where people need to be educated on the basic principle of why discrimination is wrong.


Before we get into that, it’s worth reflecting on why this basic principle continues to even be a debate. There are 2 main reasons.

  1. Complacency/ Ignorance
  • Complacency, or conformity was something that originated after World War 2, where people where happy with the current circumstance and didn’t want to change anything. Despite this mindset sounding relatively harmless, it is actually detrimental to the country, since it creates a mindset that is against change, such as obtaining more equality, or equality in general. This mindset explains why most racists won’t label themselves as racists, but rather will constantly be against change, which is the same thing, since no change means that the country continues it’s discriminatory undertone.
BLM protest 2020

2. Discriminatory Leaders

Donald Trump. Ron DeSantis. Alex Jones. These people all have something important and dangerous in common. They all have influence and they are all discriminatory. Since there are many people who are defendants of these people, let’s go through one by one and give some facts for each of them. Trump used a racist statement “Kung Flu” referring to COVID 19’s origins in China on June 20th, 2020 in Tulsa. Trump refused to sell properties in 1973 to African Americans and only sold to “Jews and executives.” Desantis called his democratic competitor and African American Democrat Andrew Gillum a racist slur on August 29, 2018. Alex Jone’s employees have filed claims for racist slurs against Jones on a constant basis. These people all have great influence, especially to complacent, narrow minded individuals. The dangerous rhetoric that these people endorse only fuels the discrimination in the country, and as long as these people are receiving such power and success in this country, there will always be followers who think racism is justified.

Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis

The Issues of Inequality

Now to some people, this section is simply common sense. Unfortunately, there are some who don’t know what the problem with discrimination is. Let’s start with the basics. Everyone is created equally. There should be no debate about this, as it is explicitly said on the Declaration of Independence and in the Bible (Romans 2:11). Now that that basic truth is realized, what must be realized is that people don’t choose to be black or white or gay or straight. It is absolutely incorrect to judge someone based off of something that they cannot control, because they have no say in it whatsoever. If people treat other differently just because of something that is uncontrollable, then those people are discriminatory plain and simple. The easiest way to imagine this is if the roles were reversed. For example, if the white person became the black person, how would they feel if they were discriminated based on the color of their skin, something they had no say in, yet it essentially determines the course of their life. If you’re in opposition to equality, think hard on what your justifications are. Hopefully in the future, no one will be judged based off something that they can’t even control.


  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/
  2. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/29/17796112/ron-desantis-andrew-gillum-monkey-racism-language-florida-governors-election
  3. https://www.businessinsider.com/alex-jones-infowars-employees-complaint-about-sexual-harassment-2018-2
  4. https://www.openbible.info/topics/all_men_are_created_equal

