5 Easy Methods to Instantly Improve Your Work Efficiency

MTC Limousine
MTC Limousine
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2018

Clocking in more hours isn’t a long-term solution, and it’s also a choice that can adversely affect our health and other aspects of our lives. Rather than thinking how much more time we need to spend to accomplish a deadline, we should put in a little more effort to figure out how to work smarter instead.

Our New York ground transportation service focuses on our customer’s comfort and safety with every ride. Our chauffeurs are constantly reminded to be alert and punctual at all times and they’re also encouraged to constantly increase their work efficiency whenever they can. When we get better, our customers get happier.

Now, let’s look at what you can do to improve your work productivity:

Take Advantage of Regular Breaks

It might sound counter-intuitive but taking a break every once in a while on a daily basis can help to improve your overall concentration. This doesn’t mean randomly stopping your work to take a breather. Rather, you should decide on the number of breaks you’re going to have daily, what you’re going to do during your break and how long each break should be. This will help you to avoid feeling fatigued and uninspired, which is definitely not how you want to feel on a daily basis.

Quit Multitasking

Here’s the reality: not everyone is suited to multitasking. If you find yourself losing out when it comes to productivity and working hours, you’ll need to do something about it. Instead of breaking up your attention and focus on several things simultaneously, you might actually perform a lot better if you put your focus on accomplishing one task at a time. You might not necessarily be able to do only one thing at a time, but whenever you can, you should attempt to do so.

Consider Exercising

Did you know that even a few minutes of walking around can do wonders for our focus and alertness? If you have access to a gym at your workplace, you can schedule set times during the week to exercise in between your working hours. However, you can also exercise sufficiently without one. Other than taking a break and walking around, you can also find a secluded spot to do some stretching exercises instead.

Minimize Unnecessary Interruptions

It might not seem like an apparent disruption when a colleague stops by to talk to you or when we choose to browse through our social media channels, but even the slightest of interruptions is already enough to affect your work pattern. Depending on your working environment, you might not be able to fully keep out distractions, but whenever you can, you should do your best to keep it to a minimum so that you’re able to concentrate on your work.

Learn to Delegate

If your role enables you to delegate certain tasks, this is definitely something you should take advantage of. For starters, it can create a stronger bond between you and your colleagues. This amounts to confidence in the results produced as well as a willingness to cooperate and communicate more often. Being an effective team player means having the time to do what you’re good at and also relying on others around you to provide what they’re good at, too.

Originally published at MTC Limousine & Corporate Coach.



MTC Limousine
MTC Limousine

MTC Limousine is a recognized leader in providing world class quality executive transportation services for our customers around the globe.