Benefits of AI in Healthcare

5 min readJul 4, 2022

Science is progressing in this digitally advanced world. This includes computer science, medical facilities and many other fields. But the amazing part is these branches often fuse to form a new one. Just like AI in healthcare.

AI in medical facilities is the fusion of computer science with the medical field. This technology is said to help this field in many ways. Furthermore,

AI has said to increase the percentage of long term treatment completion by 96%!

That was one part of it. There are several others. These pros make the medical industry invest in AI. Furthermore, this investment is going to make the AI market share around $ 7.7 billion by 2021!

So let’s take an insight into the benefits of AI in healthcare. But first let’s learn a bit about this technology.

Artificial Intelligence — Introduction

We all hear about artificial intelligence. Yet we often fumble when we try to explain it. So let’s make it clear from the term itself.

The term artificial intelligence was first coined by Alan Turning in the 1950s. However, several other scientists went on adding more flesh and blood to this term.

Turing set the prime goal and vision of this term with one simple question. “Can machines think?” Scientists have tried all…




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