Guess Who? Over Zoom

Michelle Wan
1 min readApr 9, 2020


This is a modified version of the board game Guess Who? in which players have to guess each other’s “mystery character” through a series of yes or no questions.

Here’s a simple set of rules.

Both players decide on a single TV series, movie, or show that features many characters. It doesn’t matter what genre it is as long as both players are familiar with its characters. Each player chooses a specific character and finds an image to display on their screen. Do not share screens at this point. Then, each will take turns asking each other yes or no questions about the other’s “mystery character”. Questions may include “does your character have glasses?”, “does your character have short hair?”, “is your character human?”, and more. Player to guess the other’s character correctly wins. Upon guessing correctly, screens will be shared to show who each “mystery character” was. This is repeatable for different characters and shows.

