Preparations for my gsoc journey

Mua Laurent
3 min readMay 13, 2018

It is quite exciting and i can still feel the excitement like though i received the mail from google at this very instant i am writing this blog post. The past few weeks has been very challenging ; had no lights in our Area, had some school/personal projects to round up with. Did not have time to concentrate on open source never the less i queued it up all in my to-do-list. After a PR made on the LibreHealth open source project baaaam i was slammed with my first ever review requested from one of my mentors Tony. Nevertheless this didn't scare me at all cause i am willing to learn and yield to corrections.I just connected to the chat forum and saw like 600 chats all for me to read one after another in order for me to be on the same pace with the others. I have gone through 2/3 of the messages at this point in time and almost finished the changes requested by my mentor and will be coming up soon with a new pull request.

However, for the past few days i have been pondering on what one of my team members Naveen said “I am confident rachmann7 will make it just like a wordpress installation”. To this effect i went through the already existing installer file found in the codebase and reviewed line by line in order to get a full understanding of what was done earlier and what i will be needing in the future for my project. I came across lots of fascinating functions already predefined and i think i will use some in my setup script.The codebase is pretty much easier to understand now i can find my way out most of the times with little or no intervention from team members/mentors.

The bonding period has been quite a pretty one for me. Also i got to help out an outreach called mangi whom always pinged me inbox to ask questions. I am glad i could of help to him to get him started in the community.

2 more days left for coding to start. I could say i begun mine a couple of days back with how my module(setup) directory will look like and created the necessary files though blank for now(hahahaha).Also i kindna have a workspace where i would work looks like the one below(tada) ;).

I just can’t wait to get my hands glued to my computer’s keyboard to get sarted with this.

Once more thank you Gsoc, thanks LibreHealth.

