Not My Father’s Food Pyramid | Mubashar A Choudry Md
Eggs are one of those foods that provide natural fat, which has been historically deemed definitively “good.” They’re an excellent source of protein, they give you energy, they’re a healthy non-meat alternative for (most) vegetarians, etc. However, recent studies conclude that even an incremental increase in egg consumption can harm your long-term health.
In a study published March 15 of this year in JAMA, scientists found that people who eat an additional three to four eggs a week (or 300 mg more of dietary cholesterol a day) are at a higher risk for death and heart disease than those who eat fewer eggs.
Mubashar A.Choudry M.D., F.A.C.C., Chief Medical Officer, Washington Cardiovascular Institute, says that intake of an extra 300 mg a day of dietary cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease by 3.2%, and your risk of early death by 4.4%, as per the findings of this study.
Dr. Mubashar Choudry acknowledged the importance of the findings of the study, and encouraged the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to take the study’s results into account during their next revision of its publication of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans — a guide revised and published every five years which bases its food consumption recommendations on food science studies just like this one.
Moral of the day according to Dr. Mubashar A Choudry: everything in moderation, even eggs.