I interview a customer every week. Here’s 7 things I learned.

Anna Paramita
4 min readApr 8, 2022
illustration from unDraw

My product team and I have been practicing Continuous Discovery, guided by the framework by Teresa Torres. As part of our cadence, I set up and run at least one customer interview every week. Not only has it helped us learn a lot about our customers, here’s some of my learnings from the practice itself.

1. We keep our fingers on the pulse

The purpose of the weekly interviews is to have regular interactions and input from customers, which then informs our product decisions. As the product and the environment change over time, customer expectations shift, there is always new feedback to be captured. And we don’t want to wait for a change or even a project to start, we want to keep listening to our customers all the time. Having a regular rhythm means we can continuously challenge our own biases and assumptions.

2. I build a shared understanding with my team

I feel very lucky to work with a product team who share a customer-centric mindset. I invite them to watch and note-take the interviews remotely, and anyone can re-watch recordings. As much as I make an effort to capture and share back insights, it’s easier when the rest of the team have already been across the interviews on a regular basis. That way, we’ve…

