10 Ways to Distract Yourself From Coronavirus Anxiety — Beautiful Voyager

Meredith Arthur
5 min readMar 3, 2020

This is likely obvious to all of you: We’re in the middle of an anxiety wave about COVID-19 aka “the coronavirus.” The news of the spread of the illness is everywhere, and new headlines are pouring in about transmission and death rates. Just today, Twitter announced that they are sending all employees home, and they’ll be working remotely until further notice. It’s destabilizing when something like this happens. Something that changes how people behave in their daily lives. As I often do, I’m writing to help distract myself. If any of these ideas are helpful for you to distract yourself from coronavirus, please use them!

1. Look at lots and lots of photos of dogs

An endless array of cuties awaits you at LiamthePittie, a Bay Area foster dog family.

I swear, I can feel the oxytocin hitting my blood stream when I just glance at a photo of a dog. Like many of you, I do most of my dog stalking through Instagram. Some of my favorite accounts include: LiamthePittie, CoppersDreamRescue, HopperthePitHeeler, RocketDogRescue, IloveFamilyDog, and GreyhoundAdoptionCenter.

2. Go to the nearest park and find a dog to love on



Meredith Arthur

Chief of Staff of TwoTwenty @Pinterest. I wrote the book Get Out Of My Head: Inspiration for Overthinkers in an Anxious World, out now.