Developers Student Club — VU powered by Google event in Lahore

Mudassir Altaf
3 min readFeb 6, 2020


Hi, my name is Mudassir Altaf and I am a publication team member of the Developers Student Club Virtual University of Pakistan. In this article, I will answer all the questions in your mind related to the DSCVU event held in Lahore. But before going to the topic first let me tell you about DSCVU.

What is Developer Student Club — VU (DSCVU) powered by Google?

DSCVU is a community of students from all over Pakistan. This community includes only the students who are or were enrolled in the Virtual University of Pakistan. The students who are interested in Google Developer technologies join this community. A student of the Virtual University of PakistanAbdullah Arshad” selected as a DSCVU community Lead by Google. Abdullah Arshad selected a team of up to 25 members from all over the Pakistan which includes (Creative Team, Developers Team, Marketing Team, Management Team & Publisher Team)

DSCVU Leads & Team

What is the purpose of DSCVU?

Purpose of Developer Student Club Virtual University of Pakistan (DSCVU) is to connect students of Virtual University of Pakistan to learn Google Developers Technologies. Students connect with each other peer to peer which makes it easier for them to learn from each other. Students will be able to learn following Google Developers technologies

  • Firebase
  • Flutter
  • Google Assistant
  • Maps Platform
  • TensorFlow
  • Google Cloud
  • Android
Google Developers Technologies

What was the purpose of Developer Student Club — VU (DSCVU) Event Lahore

DSCVU Team organized an event on 3rd Feb 2020 at Virtual University of Pakistan Head Office (Main Campus) Lahore. The purpose of this event was to aware students of the Google Developers technologies & encouraged them to join the DSCVU community. In this event, the DSCVU team invited speakers to motivate students for struggling hard & learning technical skills with the help of the DSCVU community.

In this event, DSCVU Lead Abdullah Arshad announced that we are creating a community group on Facebook of the Developer Student Club Virtual University of Pakistan by Google. Students from all over Pakistan can join this group and help DSCVU to complete its mission of making Pakistani Students experts in Google Developers Technologies. Nearly 700+ Students joined this event & learned about the purpose of DSCVU.

So, this was all about the Developer Student Club — Virtual University of Pakistan powered by Google. At the end, I would like to share a quote by Thomas A. Edison

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

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Mudassir Altaf

Freelancer at Fiverr & Upwork | Web Developer & Designer | SEO Manager