I made a mistake…

Mueezah Bello
2 min readSep 11, 2024


A mistake that cost me tons and months of job applications 😢.

I submitted countless job applications, all rejected.
Each rejection email read, “Unfortunately, we won’t be proceeding with your application.”

I tailored my CV over and over again for each position, convinced that this time would be different.
But the responses I got just wouldn’t change.

While adjusting my CV to fit each job requirement, one thing I overlooked every single was the links in my resume. I just copied and pasted from the last edited version, and I continued with the applications.

So today, I decided to do a thorough scanning, I was sure something was definitely wrong this time.
The job I had high hopes for rejected me again.

I went through each part of my resume, and I found it.
There it was, staring back at me: a misspelled link.

The link that was supposed to lead recruiters to my portfolio was broken.
I wrote “mueeezah” instead of “mueezah”.

Did you spot the mistake there?
One extra letter, one small mistake, blocked potential job opportunities.

What is a job application without a portfolio?
Who hires a professional without seeing evidence that they can actually do the job?

To find out that I have been the cause of my own rejections is such a hard pill to swallow.
One small oversight, and all those applications went to waste.

Moral of the story?
Don’t rush. Don’t assume.
You could be the best fit for that job, but a little mistake might push them to move on to the next best fit.
Double-check everything. Then check it again.
A single mistake can be the difference between success and failure.

