Revolutionizing Cardano’s DeFi with the Liquidity Efficient DEX Model

2 min readFeb 23, 2024


In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), the MuesliSwap Team’s recent paper on “Liquidity Efficient DEX Model for Cardano” introduces a groundbreaking approach to addressing some of the most pressing challenges in the DeFi space. Our research paper sheds light on the inefficiencies in liquidity utilization and proporses a novel DEX architecture that more efficiently uses the available liquidity.

Research report available here

The Core of the Proposal: A Novel DEX Architecture

We proposes a Concentrated Hybrid Model (CHM) that cleverly combines the benefits of an on-chain order book with concentrated liquidity pools. This model is specifically designed to harmonize with Cardano’s unique extended Unspent Transaction Output (eUTXO) model. The proposed DEX architecture aims to significantly enhance liquidity efficiency, reduce impermanent loss risks, and increase transaction throughput, setting a new standard for DEX performance on Cardano.

Addressing Cardano’s Unique Challenges

Cardano’s DeFi ecosystem faces unique hurdles, primarily due to its eUTXO model, which differs significantly from the account-based models used by other blockchains like Ethereum. Our research meticulously outlines how the CHM addresses these challenges by leveraging the eUTXO model to optimize liquidity usage, mitigate impermanent loss, and improve DEX throughput.

Innovations and Solutions

Our DEX architecture combines several innovative solutions, including:

  • On-chain Orderbook: A decentralized ledger that facilitates efficient trade matching.
  • On-Chain Market Making Models: These include Automated Market Makers (AMMs) and concentrated liquidity pools, optimized for the eUTXO architecture.
  • Off-Chain DEX Bots: Governed by a DAO, these bots ensure fair and efficient operations beyond what can be encoded in smart contracts.

Empirical Evidence and Potential Impact

Preliminary results showcased in the paper demonstrate the model’s effectiveness in improving capital efficiency and reducing exposure to impermanent loss, making it a highly attractive option for liquidity providers. The introduction of a DAO-governed NFT model for DEX bots also marks a significant step towards ensuring a community-driven approach to DEX operations.

The Road Ahead

Our research lays a solid foundation for a more robust, efficient, and user-friendly DeFi landscape on Cardano. By addressing the specific needs and challenges of the Cardano ecosystem, this model not only paves the way for improved DEX performance but also highlights Cardano’s potential to lead in the evolution of decentralized finance.




MuesliSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) for Cardano. On a mission towards a decentralized future.