Day One: 100 Days of Words

Sophie J Clark
2 min readApr 7, 2018


Recently I discovered the 100 Day Challenge. Without my consent and with the force of a tidal wave the idea took me over. Whilst I don’t use Instagram, I do use social media and there are #’s for the challenge all over the internet. The idea is not to be perfect, but to be consistent. To form new habits and to expand the boundaries what you believe yourself capable of achieving.

I absolutely adore the simplicity and adaptability of this challenge, so without further adieu, here’s what I’ll be doing for the next 100 days.

The Project

I’m setting myself the challenge of writing two scenes/scenarios/snippets a day and posting them online. Each day there will be one Erotic and one Non-Erotic scene. The intention of this project is to expand, not only my idea pool but also my own perceptions of what I can and can not write about. My comfort zones, when it comes to writing, are very much biased in a certain direction and I want to push myself. I want to see what I can come up with when the pressure isn't there to produce a full story. A minimum of 12k is hard to write — especially when it’s not something you are used to — but a few sentences, that I can do.

If you would like to follow along with my project check out any of my social media accounts listed above or keep up to date with my website, where I will also be posting the daily scenes.

If you feel that you’d like to join in the challenge then you can find out more here. It’s an amazing project and one that has helped inspire change and creative expression in thousands around the world. Give it a try, what’s the worst that could happen?

Originally published at Under The Rocks.



Sophie J Clark

I’m an author and home maker. You can find my works on Amazon under Sophie J Clark, as well as my blog page here: