Acid Reflux Vinegar

3 min readApr 7, 2022


Vinegar for Heartburn — The Natural “Best Cure” for Acid Reflux
It has long been said that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. Sometimes there is great wisdom in those old sayings. Perhaps many of the old-timers were thinking of the healing power of apple cider vinegar. For many years vinegar for heartburn has been a common prescription. And it really works!

Acid Reflux Vinegar

Perhaps you are among the many that don’t like to take prescription medications because you are afraid of the side effects. We have all read the many horror stories of people whose lives have been ruined by ill-prescribed drugs.

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It is no wonder we see a trend of more and more people seeking natural remedies that really work.

Among these natural remedies is apple cider vinegar which has been used for thousands of years. People have used this product to cure ailments from acne to arthritis. People that have used vinegar for heartburn have discovered a safe, natural cure.

Acid reflux disease (or GERD: gastro-esophageal reflux disease), has plagued people for a long time, and it seems to be getting worse and more severe. What is acid reflux? It is an uncomfortable condition that is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter does not function properly, allowing stomach liquids to go back to the esophagus.

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This condition, also known as heartburn, creates a burning sensation in the throat that can be downright scary and even affect your ability to breathe!

This is probably not news to you, because acid reflux is common. Most people have experienced it at one time or another, especially after eating spicy foods. It’s when it recurs several times in a week that you need to seek your doctor’s help.

Is it dangerous? It can be. If the lining of the esophagus is severely damaged or destroyed, you can be facing some serious health issues. For that reason, always have your condition diagnosed by your physician or licensed health care professional.

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Heartburn is commonly treated with antacids — — but some people have found this treatment makes their condition worse. How? The antacids reduce their stomach acid, so their body receives a signal that it is “low” on stomach acid! The brain, in turn, instructs the stomach to begin producing more acid! When the antacid wears off, the heartburn is worse than ever!

Instead of antacid, some people mix 2 to 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before meals (or whenever they suffer heartburn.) This works for them!

Why does this work?

Some think the acetic acid in vinegar lowers stomach acidity, actually increasing its pH. This is because the acetic acid in vinegar is weaker than stomach acid. The vinegar seems to keep the stomach acid at a pH level of around 3.0. While the stomach is still able to digest food efficiently, the milder acidic environment seems to decrease heartburn symptoms because it is less damaging to the esophagus.

While some people don’t like the taste of the vinegar in water, most admit an unpleasant taste is a small price to pay. Frankly, I don’t mind the taste at all.

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People have been using apple cider vinegar for heartburn as a natural remedy for hundreds of years. Not only do they avoid unpleasant side effects, it’s also an inexpensive treatment. Worth a try, wouldn’t you say?

The key to living without acid reflux is finding a permanent cure. Vinegar can be used as one step in that process. If you would like to learn about the very best cure for acid reflux, we encourage you to visit our “About the Family Blog.” Visit the page entitled “The Best Cure for Acid Reflux.” You will find it highly informative!

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