Learn about tech, philosophy as fast as you can

2 min readJun 23, 2019


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Last week I was followed go squads tech 3 mini bootcamp engineering, mini bootcamp is a part event from Go-Jek to student or people who want to internship.

Actually, I am not part of go squads but because I will follow the Go Jek bootcamp in Bangalore and before I go to Bangalore, I decided to take an internship first, that's way I am following the mini bootcamp. Before the mini bootcamp started, our coach ask us “Why Go Jek do this program?”, so I answer that because “great developers are raised not hired”. We know to get great developers is not easy so I think Go Jek do that because Go Jek wants to make great developers.

The first day in mini bootcamp is very tired for me because I was told by team in afternoon and I haven't prepared shirts for a week, the first day opened with some philosophy things and calibration test, because I haven’t prepared my shirts so I must go back home take my shirt and back to the hotel. I arrive at 11 PM and my calibration test is haven’t done, the last submission for the test at 12 PM and I rarely use java so I must learn as fast I can about java, and then finish the calibration test, well I can done with the test before 12 PM and I can go to sleep.

Technical Skill

Next day we learn about TDD, Non-Negotiable Etiquette, and pair programming, TDD is Test Driven Development one of software development technique. Our coach gave us instruction to create a spec with business value, during the session we convince another pair about our decision why we take this step and what is business value can be delivered. It was great because besides we learn about a technical skill we also learn communication skill, This session takes two days because we are still breaking the NNE rules.

Next session is refactoring, OOP and design pattern, after we create many specs with TDD, we refactor our code to follow OOP and design pattern, but because it just takes for a week, we haven’t learn all of design pattern, we just learn about behavioral design pattern.

Non-Technical Skill

One of the way to improve communication skill is writing, every day we were given the writing homework when the first writing homework showcase, our coach tell us about logical fallacy and bias. We learn about that to improve our communication skill, we also do speaking drill every day after we lunch.

So many experiences and knowledge I got from mini bootcamp go squads tech 3, I learn about technical, communication skill and so on. for the readers who want to know deeply, I recommend to join the next Go Squads.

