Why you should apply bottom-up to your company

2 min readAug 15, 2019


Bottom-up is a culture that all people or team members have a voice. It’s different with top down where seniors leaders take charge and members or employees expected to follow.

image from google

In this post, I want to tell why we should apply bottom-up culture to our company because it will empower your employees and make them more productive. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 53.5 million adults ages 18 to 34 fill one in three jobs in America, but only 29% of employed millennials in the U.S. are engaged workers. These numbers are terrifying because you need an engaged workforce for your company to succeed.

The bottom-up culture is the best for your company, especially if your employees fill out by Millenials because they want to make a big contribution to your company. Another factor is Millenials want to work remotely if your company using top-down where seniors leaders take charge and members or employees expected to follow. and if seniors want the employees to work in the office it will hold employee productivity.

PwC’s 14th Annual Global CEO Survey

Based on this data, the higher of millennials characteristic is want to train and development, it's mean they are always learning and open up to change. If you apply the bottom-up culture to your company, you will have many solutions and ideas from your employees and make your company more productive.

