How I finished my 100 day exercise challenge…

Happy Haris
3 min readDec 7, 2017


Just a pull up and a leg raise (not so good form).

Short answer: A lot of listening motivational video, just f***ing doing it and not giving up.

Long answer: Well, here we go…

The reason why I started this is because I want to prove to people there is no such thing as :

I have no time to exercise…

I am busy…

I got better things to do…

Thus, I created a simple 100 day challenge where it just takes up 10 minutes or 0.0069% of your 24 hour schedule, or your 0.0138% of your 12 waking hour. Using Instagram to record my days of exercise, I also hope to inspire people to do the same.

You can almost start anything easily, but the consistent commitment you have to do in order to achieve the goal is the hard part.

The first few days was quite okay, but then the days continues and your schedule just creep into you. I faced days where I had to go out early in the morning and reached home late at night. After a long day, my mind says sleep, my eyes felt heavy. But I had to fight the urge to just hit the sack call it a day. I couldn’t let myself down. I did what I had to do and pulled out my yoga mat and did a 10 minutes push-up workout.

One thing that helped me pushed myself in this challenges was listening to motivational speeches. I swear, it really helped me so much in this challenge. Before I start a workout, I would just blast these inspiring talks in my headset and then the motivation just get injected in my body like a drug.

Then I realised, it was better that I did the exercise in the day. This is because after along day, I would feel tired and my body just want to shut down. However, if I start in the morning, I’ll have energy to do the workout and not worry exercising after work. Thus, I change my sleeping habit to waking up at 5.30 am and sleeping at 10.30 pm. I felt that my day has just got longer after I adopted this sleeping regime. I was amazed on how much time I had when I changed my sleeping schedule. And exercising in the morning is so much easier.

And I made it, I had accomplished on the 100 day challenge of exercising. It is possible to workout in your “busy” schedule. It is just whether you put exercise as your priority, which most of us overlooked.

The benefits was that people get inspired on what you do. I had friends who started exercising because they saw my progress on my Instagram stories. Moreover, I am fitter than I used to be. And people see the change in my body. I got a tad bigger and people notice it. Some motivation to keep going.

Now, onwards to the next 100 day challenge!

