Apple iPhone X: Why It is Still the Most Demanding Phone

Muhammad Ather
6 min readDec 11, 2023


Ah, the Apple iPhone X — the ‘X’ might stand for ‘eXtraordinary,’ even years after its grand entrance onto the tech stage in September 2017! This marvel didn’t just walk into the smartphone party; it danced in, wearing a sleek, all-screen tuxedo that made every tech enthusiast’s heart skip a beat. But what’s truly baffling is how this old-timer still manages to be the cool kid on the block, refusing to be overshadowed by its younger siblings. It’s like that one uncle who still out-dances everyone at family weddings despite his age.

The iPhone X, with its then-revolutionary Face ID and a camera that made everyone a ‘pro’ photographer overnight, wasn’t just a phone but a statement. And today, it still whispers that same statement into the ears of newer models, ‘Catch me if you can!’ The iPhone X’s charm isn’t just about nostalgia; it’s a blend of timeless design and enduring functionality that keeps it in the limelight. How, you ask? Let’s dive in and find out!

Apple iPhone X

Design and Build Quality of Apple iPhone X

This marvel of technology is like the George Clooney of smartphones — it’s improved with age. When it first arrived on the scene, it was like seeing a unicorn in a world of horses. Its sleek, almost futuristic design was a game-changer. The body? A harmonious blend of glass and surgical-grade stainless steel — yes, the kind that could survive a minor apocalypse (don’t try this at home, though).

Now, let’s talk aesthetics. The iPhone X said goodbye to the home button, giving us a screen that stretched from edge to edge like a beautiful infinity pool of pixels. This was Apple waving its design wand and saying, “Behold, the future!” And let’s not forget the introduction of the notch — a feature as polarizing as pineapple on pizza, yet it’s become a signature look.

Fast forward to today, and newer models are like the iPhone X went to the gym — bulkier, more cameras (because why stop at one?), but still carrying that distinct iPhone X DNA. They say you can’t improve on perfection, but Apple sure likes to try. The newer models might have a few extra tricks, but the iPhone X, with its balanced elegance, still holds its own like a seasoned actor in a sea of rising stars.

Innovative Features at Launch of iPhone X

Apple’s iPhone X burst onto the scene with futuristic features that made sci-fi movies blush. Remember the first time you saw Face ID? It felt like we were all suddenly part of a top-secret spy agency, accessing our devices with nothing but a glance. No more fumbling with passcodes — just a steely gaze, and voila! Your phone unlocked faster than you can say, “Q, where’s my Honda Civic?”

And let’s not forget the OLED display. The iPhone X waved goodbye to the LCD like a cool kid ditching last season’s fashion. The colors on the OLED screen were so vibrant that it made real life look a bit dull in comparison. Watching videos on the iPhone X was like having a mini cinema in your pocket. Who needs a 60-inch TV when you have an iPhone X?

But how have these features aged, you ask? Like fine wine, my friends. Face ID still feels like you’re in a spy movie (albeit a slightly older one). It’s so seamless that going back to typing in a passcode feels like reverting to a rotary phone. And the OLED display? Still a knockout. Sure, newer models have made incremental improvements, but the iPhone X’s display continues to be the envy of many, like that one person at the high school reunion who hasn’t aged a day.

Performance and Software Updates of Apple iPhone X

Performance-wise, the iPhone X was like the Usain Bolt of smartphones at its launch. Packed with the A11 Bionic chip, it zipped through tasks and laughed in the face of lag. But how does it fare now? Surprisingly well! It’s like the retired athlete who can still outrun your average Joe.

With each iOS update, the iPhone X has gracefully accepted new features and improvements. It’s like teaching an old dog new tricks, except the dog is a high-tech gadget, and the tricks are software updates. These updates keep the iPhone X feeling sprightly despite its age in the fast-paced tech world.

Comparing it to the newer models, sure, the latest iPhones might win in a sprint, but the iPhone X is running a marathon. It’s the reliable steed in a race of thoroughbreds — not always the fastest, but certainly dependable and still capable of turning heads. The newer models might boast marginal gains in speed and efficiency, but for many, the iPhone X still holds its own, proving that you don’t always need the latest gadget to stay in the game.

Camera Quality and Evolution of iPhone X

Let’s talk about the iPhone X’s camera — it’s like the Swiss Army knife of smartphone photography! When it was launched, its camera was the talk of TechTown, boasting a 12MP wide-angle and telephoto lenses. It was like having a mini DSLR in your pocket. Fast forward to today, and while the megapixel race in smartphones has turned into something akin to a space race, the iPhone X still holds its own.

The magic, though, isn’t just in the hardware. It’s like Apple waved a wand and continually transformed the camera through software updates. The Smart HDR, better portrait mode, and even improved low-light performance — it’s like the camera evolved while sitting in your pocket! Comparing it to the latest smartphone cameras, sure, the new kids on the block have more bells and whistles. But the iPhone X, like a fine wine, seems to have aged well, offering a camera experience that punches above its weight class.

Remember the time when we were all amazed at the portrait mode? The iPhone X still makes people look like they’re in a magazine shoot, only now it’s smarter. It’s not just about capturing moments but about making them look fabulous. So, in the camera department, the iPhone X is like an old rock band that still sells out arenas — not the latest, but still a classic.

Price and Value for Money

Talking about the price of the iPhone X is like discussing a rollercoaster ride — thrilling at first but with lots of ups and downs. When it first hit the shelves, it came with a price tag that made our wallets tremble. Fast forward to today, and it’s like finding a designer dress at a thrift shop — the same great quality, but at a much more wallet-friendly price.

So, is the iPhone X still a bang for your buck? Absolutely! It’s like buying a vintage car that still turns heads. Sure, the latest iPhone models come with snazzier features and bigger price tags, but the iPhone X is the sweet spot. You get a phone that still competes with the big boys in terms of performance, camera quality, and that oh-so-sweet Apple ecosystem, but without having to sell a kidney.

Compared to the Samsung Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note 8, the iPhone X is like that seasoned actor in a movie full of newcomers — experienced, reliable, and still in demand. It’s perfect for someone who wants to say, “I have an iPhone,” without saying, “I just spent a fortune on it.” In the ever-changing world of smartphones, where prices drop faster than my Wi-Fi signal, the iPhone X is a wise, budget-friendly choice that doesn’t skimp on quality.

The Verdict

Like a seasoned celebrity in the tech world, the iPhone X continues to hold its allure. Its blend of sleek design, robust performance, and camera prowess, all wrapped up in a now more wallet-friendly package, makes it a compelling choice even in the shadow of its flashier successors. It’s the tech equivalent of a classic movie — sure, there are newer releases, but this one still captivates audiences. For those seeking the premium Apple experience without the premium price tag, the iPhone X stands out as a testament to the saying, “Oldie but a goodie.”



Muhammad Ather

SEO & content creator leveraging AI tools for optimal performance. Expertise in on-page/off-page SEO, content writing, & social media marketing.