Learning new things always expand vision

3 min readFeb 24, 2018

The capacity to learn is a gift. The ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice- Brian Herbert

I like to learn new things but the problem I face is the lack of concentration as I can easily be distracted by anything. After doing these courses I found myself as a procrastinator as it has become a habit and I found it very difficult to concentrate for reading a book for more than 15 minutes due to bad habit of using mobile phone I easily got distracted every time.

I believe that learning new things always explores new ideas that in turn generate many ways to apply these ideas. But the problem of learning new things comes when we found these new things less interested than those activities that become a source of pleasure for us. We don’t want to change the taste of our mouth as we always fear to take risks. But believe me or not the real enjoyment comes when you give yourself a chance to show your courage.

So in this struggle of learning something new, everyone has to face some difficulties and I also found some of the difficulties including engaging in different activities at a time and keeping myself in diffused state of mind always prevent me from doing concentrated work utilizing my full potential. But at the same time the questions arise in my mind to prioritize my work that which of them is more important and how much benefit will it provide me? How it will help me in my future? And how can I utilize it in my future? As although learning new things is good but the foremost important thing is to make right use of anything. So we should prevent ourselves from learning bad things. But again to prevent yourself from it, you have to know about its pros and cons and that also first requires learning about it.

After completing this online course of “Learning how to learn” I came to know that it’s our fears that prevent us from learning something new as whenever we learn something new, it stimulates our brain’s frontal lob that matures in early childhood. So we should try to juggle something new and the biggest lesson I have learned is that “Practice makes permanence” as well as chunking my work and using pomodoro technique are some important tips I learnt from the course. All these techniques can help us to make a big task or problem into smaller tasks, keeping focus while doing something and developing mind patterns when in relaxed mood.

I would try my best to apply all these techniques in my future as to learn new things only widen your vision but applying those skills are a real life making effort and Amal academy is doing marvelous job in bringing that change in our youth as thinking or planning is a first step but just start is the main step that can help you to do anything you want in your life and “amal” name itself explain the vision of this academy. Amal academy makes us a lifelong learner and that’s the best thing I have learned. Love to be a part of your Amal family .

