What does Islam teach about kindness?

Muhammad Habib
4 min readDec 7, 2019


“Mark twain said kindness is language which a deaf can hear a blind can see this clarifies that encouraging kindness help in promoting peace care love and humbleness”

“It promotes happiness and positive emotion in individual”

Act of kindness can be small as droplets of water or as massive as the rock of mountain.

“Simple act of kindness are the seeds we plant to change the world.

Our beautiful Islam teach us to be merciful and show kindness not only towards human being but also animals, birds, jinn and our environment.

There are numerous Hadit and Quranic verses clarifying how important kindness to animals and nature is our Prophet (SAW)

“Fear Allah (SWT) in your treatment of animals more ever Ayah no 107 of surah Al Anbaya

“And we have sent you O Muhammad (SAW) not but as a mercy for all of humankind jinn and all that exists”

Islam has emphasized kindness through different stories as well. A story narrated by Abu Huraira states.

“A prostitute had once been forgiven. she passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took of her sock tied it to her veil and drew up some water Allah forgave her for that”

Kindness with parents

Heaven lies in the foots of your mother they say. The key to his heaven how ever is your father we must try to earn our heaven with its key in the life time of our parents because after them it gone.

The significance of taking of your parents is so grave in Islam that even Prophet(SAW) Who is known as the mercy to the mankind said Ameen to the prayer of Jibril (Angle) when he said “whoever to see his parents in their old age one are both of them and he does not honor them and he dies then he will enter Hellfire and Allah will cast him far away;

Are you looking for a shortcut to win Ajar? Well Islam has that too! JUST look at your parents with love and you will be given the reward of an accepted pilgrims.

THE POWER of mother is so dynamic that even Allah give its example to camper it to his love.

Who do you think is the most deserving of your good conductor? your wife, your friends? Nope! Its your mother and your father.

Forgiveness and kindness

Islam mercy focuses on two thing forgiveness and kindness. A Quran verse no 263 from surah Albaqrah preached about compassion and mercy. the verses states;

“Kind speech and forgiveness are batter then charity followed by injury and Allah is free of need and forbearing”

Be kind and replay with politeness Islam Teaches us to be kind replay humbly and politely and care of the feeling of others for everyone who does that there is a reward in Akhirah.

Allah is kind and teach kindness. Allah is the most merciful and kind there fore he also teaches his people to be compassionate forgiving and loving Prophet Muhammad (SAW) says:

“Allah is kind and he loves kindness in All maters”

Thank you so much.

