Five Randoms Acts of Kindness

Muhammad Irfan
3 min readMar 8, 2019


Selfless Acts of Kindness. “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.

When we practice random acts of kindness, It releases an energy. We feel better and the recipients of our acts feel better, which then makes them more likely to be kind to other people Kindness reduces stress.

Every small interaction with someone is an opportunity to have a positive impact on both of your lives. When you look, you’ll find opportunities to perform random acts of kindness. Here i am going to narrate few random acts of kindness that i have done.

  1. My female friend had a fast and i planned to buy some stuff for her Aftar like fruits, juices, pastry and rice. I can’t even explain in words that my little act of kindness made her so happy and she kept on thanking me again and again. That literally made me jocular.
  2. Cleaned hostel room for my room mates when they were home. When they came back they were just surprised and beaming that what i have done for them. I just love to do such little acts of kindness.

3. Arranged a surprise birthday party for a friend who weren’t even expecting from me and it was so astounding and he was glad that i did that. Such acts really put smile on my face.

4. There was delivery boy in hostel who used to bring my order. Once i asked him to sit with me in the room and gave him few shirts and pants, he was radiant and smile on his face with an expression of gratitude saying thank you to me was really unforgettable. This made me really delightful.

5. Many times i gave a ride to a person who was really needing that by staying on bank of road in hot summer and expecting for a ride. I did that without attention of getting reward in return. Making something easier for others and helping them in their hard times really worth doing and I love to see smile when you drop them and they says thank you Sir.

I would just love to share few quotes related to kindness;

“Kindness carries no price tag neither does it require making a purchase. A random act of kindness can change someone’s life…choose to be kind always.”
Kemi Sogunle

“If you have kindness in your heart, you offer acts of kindness to touch the hearts of others wherever you go — whether they are random or planned. Kindness becomes a way of life.”
Roy Bennett

“Through Compassion and Care we are compelled to random acts of kindness and demonstrations of love.”
Jean Hamilton-Fford

