Pomodoro Technique

Muhammad Junaid
2 min readNov 2, 2019


Pomodoro Technique is basically a time management technique that is specially designated for procrastinators. The founder of the Pomodoro Technique was Francesco Cirillo. He developed this technique in the late 1980s. In Italian, Pomodoro means tomato.

Basically in this technique, you have to give a task to yourself. Then you set a timer for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes, you give a reward of 5 minutes to yourself. It may be 5 minutes of internet surfing, a cup of tea or coffee, a candy whatsoever. Then you repeat this process 4 times. After your 4th turn, you give a break of 15–20 minutes to yourself. After a break, you go back to your task until you complete your task.

This technique is really worked.

I applied this technique to my studies.

My Experience:

I assigned a task to myself to complete a chapter of the book for my exam preparations. I set a timer of 25 minutes. After 5 minutes, I rewarded myself with a glass of water and 5 minutes on WhatsApp. I felt so much change in my work. I did my work with full productivity and focus. I used to complete my chapter within 3 hours but after applying this technique I had completed my chapter within just 1 hour and 30 minutes. Wow! I got amazing results.


During this technique, I did not feel any difficulty. Actually, I enjoyed it :)

In fact, I did not face any distractions during this activity. It is a new thing for me. I had never done this before.


It helped me a lot to obtain more results from my work. It helped me to do my work in a very short time.

Daily use or not?

Of course, I will use this technique regularly in my work. It helped me a lot. I am the biggest procrastinator and it will help me to overcome procrastination.

During this technique, the panic monster arrives in my mind. I was continuously thinking, I had to complete maximum work before the timer rings and I did it.

