Steps Towards Goals

Muhammad Junaid
3 min readNov 8, 2019


Goals are the aims or targets of a person that he wants to achieve in his life. Every person has different goals in life. For example, a person wants to learn the English language, any person wants to get a high paid job, any person has a goal to lose his weight, etc.


Like these peoples, I also have a goal. I have a goal to become a good freelancer. Actually I had this goal from a very long time but I had faced some problems. Due to these problems, I could not take a step towards my goal.


  1. Enroll in a Freelancing course at DIGISKILL.PK
  2. Take Lectures of the course.
  3. Enroll in the Creative Writing course at DIGISKILL.PK


I have an interest in it from a very long time. I want to do freelancing because it is the skill of the future and a student can also afford his expenditures during his studies. It is also very high in demand nowadays. In freelancing, you do not need to do work under a boss. You are the boss of yours.


In the past, I faced challenges because I did not know the basics of freelancing, I did not know how to do freelancing and what are the requirements of freelancing. I just heard a word of freelancing fro my CS friend. He told that people offered their services on different platforms. At that time, there was no course on freelancing that’s why I faced problems to understand actually what was freelancing.

But now, it is not difficult for anyone to understand the freelancing because there is a platform where Freelancing course and many other courses are offered. One of the best examples is DIGISKILL.PK.

I did not know about this platform before. One of my fellow at Amal, “Tahir” told me about this platform. I did research on it. Then I enrolled in this course at DIGISKILL.PK and now take classes of course.


My experience is so good. I feel so happy to take a step towards my goal. I am very thankful to “Tahir” and other fellows who helped me and told me about this platform. I really enjoyed the course and gained knowledge about freelancing.


My next steps are to continue this course. I will learn and get knowledge about freelancing. I will also start doing freelancing very soon after completing my course. I will also learn many skills about it like SEO, DIGITAL MARKETING, etc. I will enhance my skills. DIGISKILLS is offering 10 different courses and I’ll try my best to do courses as much as I can.

