Muhammad Junaid
5 min readApr 9, 2021

“Identify your problems but give your effort, energy and power to solutions.”

We are facing many problems in our country like poverty, quality less food, unemployment, judicial issues, orphans and many others. But when we look at the solutions and working on these problems, we find many organizations and institutions working on all these issues. As i observed there is no social issue which is not highlighted and organizations working on those issues. But the problem is after working of so many volunteers, so many kind people why these issues are not declining. What are the reasons that all of these efforts are not as much effective as they should be. The main problem behind this is corruption and lack of political leadership in our country.

If i talk about all political parties in Pakistan, we can see corrupt and insincere people who hijacked the political system of Pakistan. If i summarize my problem into a statement it will be as:

“ Due to lack of leadership, corruption and a mindset of our people that only rich and elite class can contest an election, Our young generation has gone too far from politics and no one even thinks of contesting election. Due to which we do not see talented people in politics and we do not have options.”

Our people always supported and voted for corrupt people.why? Because we don’t have good people and especially youth which is more dedicated and hardworking, in our politics.

Because of this issue, our judicial, health and education system is destroyed. Pakistan has been robbed the most by its politicians. Just take a minute and look around all politicians in our country, who do you think can lead our youth and next generation?

And when we look at the priorities of our youth and common man, only few people wants to join politics and no one even thinks about it whole life. Every one wants to become engineer, doctor or join other ordinary professions. Then who will come and save our country from these thieves?

Here a question is arise that why our youth and common man never thinks to join politics as a leader?

Biggest reason of this issue is our political system in which a politician spend millions in election campaign. The other reason is they don’t have any platform at which they can do something for change.

When i discuss this issue with some of my friends or other young people, the common point was they can’t do this or they don’t have too much money to contest an election. Mr Arif told me also that how can we succeeded with the current mindset of people. We will have to work very hard to change the mindset of people first which looks impossible. Conclusion of all discussions was that a common man can’t be successful here.

If we discuss about some other countries, we can see many young politicians working for their country. The biggest example is canadian prime minister who served as a professor in his career and serving in politics from last 12–13 years.

Another example is Finland’s prime minister Sanna Marin. She became the prime minister at the age of 35.

I also have an open example of a common man in Pakistan is Alamgir khan who is the member of National assembly on the ticket of Tehreek-e-Insaf from Karachi. Few years ago, he started a campaign #fixit against corruption in sindh. He worked very hard to highlight issues of sindh. People voted him on his dedication for Pakistan and he is still working very hard in his circle. He took big achievements with his campaigns and volunteers.

Now question here is how can we change our political culture and encourage youth to join politics to lead their nation?

There should be a political party that encourages the youth to participate in politics and there should be no place for corrupt people in the party. All pro-Pakistanis should be gathered on a platform and there should be awareness campaigns in all circles of Pakistan. We will challenge the election system of Pakistan by not spending too much money in campaigns and changing the trend of only rich can contest election. There maybe many difficulties but with continuous effort, self reflection, teamwork and kam kam kam inshaAllah we will solve this problem one day. By working hard, we can defeat the status quo system of pakistan and we can bring change in our politics.

“The power of a movement lies in the fact that it can indeed change the habits of people. This change is not the result of force but of Dedication, of moral persuasion.”

I believe that if we take initiative we will find thousands of people like us who wants change. I believe that we will bring a real change in Pakistan.

“A little progress each day adds up to big results.”