Mega Project: Teaching MS Word

Muhammad Rehan Khalid
4 min readJun 3, 2022


Our journey started a long time ago, Now it’s windup time.

The situation right now:

Amal Academy’s three-month Career Prep Fellowship is concluding, and Mega Projects are going in full gear. Everyone is working hard to finish their projects and prepare for the presentations this week. Our mega project was centered around learning. It is a mini-MS Word course by the collaboration between Tech Crusaders from Amal Academy and Pakistan Ideological Civilization (PIC). We selected this project for the betterment of youth.

Mega Circle 6:

Leader Of the Circle


Muhammad Rehan Khalid (Leader), Khadija Tul Ain, Fazal Abbas, Hamna Zahid, Muhammad Zafar, Nabeel Ahmad, Zareen Gull

Progress so far:

  1. Enrollment:

We started a long week of advertising our course after getting the green flag from PIC. We use social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp. We shared the link to the registration form with the people who were interested in our course. So far, we have managed to successfully enrol 56 students in our MS Word course.

2. Through Selection Process.

We asked the applicants to rate their MS word skills and once we got enough responses from the registration after a week of rigorous marketing, we made a list of all the applicants. We contacted each applicant individually and invited them to our online orientation session, where we gave them a briefing on what our course entailed. During the orientation session, we gave these candidates a pre-assessment quiz to see their eligibility for the course and to see who were eagerly excited, and interested to take the online session.

After finalizing the students, we added them to our official WhatsApp group. We scheduled the class timings, duration and everything related to the course. To ensure the learning environment, one of our circle members disguised themselves as a student and joined the session.

Challenges faced:

We faced different challenges but they teach us different things like Leadership, Going the Extra mile and giving full of yourself.

After selecting this project, we enter the face of gathering the students for an online course as we know most of the students have fear of taking online classes so for their ease we made a short course full of interactive sessions so that students would not feel bored and take the session attentively.

  1. At first, we were just hoping for 25 students to join our course however we were all surprised to see 60 students enrolled on day one. In one week, we were able to gather almost 150 applicants for our course. We divided the 147 students among the group members and contacted each student to confirm their enrollment.
  2. There arose the problem of shortlisting the candidates so we decided to have an orientation session and pre-assessment test to differentiate between serious and non-serious candidates.
  3. After arranging our orientation session, we came to realize that zoom is not the perfect platform for our sessions, so we made last-minute changes to our plans. We did a few test runs among our circle and finalize the google meet for online sessions.
  4. Then we faced the problem of a few inactive students, who were not attending the sessions and submitting emails. We made a list of such students and one of our circle members took the responsibility of reaching out to them. The result was that 9 out of 13 students joined the next session.
  5. In the first session, there was a lot of disturbance and the students were not behaving properly, so we made a list of rules for the students to follow and the manager took the responsibility that these rules were followed in the session.


Most of the students learned a lot during the course, the students who were not able to score 40% during the pre-assessment scored more than 80% in the first quiz, which was a significant improvement.

Assessment and Result Graphs.


We have started this project not only for Amal session but for life time because MICROSOFT WORD is a very powerful tool that will purely benefit students. Our institutes teach us about the specific generic curriculum but have not provided us with the professional touch. Most of the students we see did internships after a long effort to learn some skills. We are planning to make Tech Crusaders a startup for learning as well as earning so that we can help the students learn these important soft skills. We have decided to start different sessions and short Workshops of 2 and 3 days for “Excel” and “PowerPoint” after the completion of this course. We will wait for the feedback from this course and make changes accordingly to accommodate a larger audience then we will launch our next course.

Thanks, AMAL Family, For giving us this opportunity.



