Muhammad Umer Arshad
2 min readMar 7, 2020


Eat the Frog with Pomodoro

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method created by italian Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. In italy pomodoro is the sauce made of tomatoes.Eating the frog with tomato sauce is the term use to solved out the problems faced by the persons suffering procrastination.

What is Procrastination:-

The act of delaying the work with no reason is called procrastination. I mostly suffer this in my daily life professionally and personally. This became a habbit to do the things on last dates or work completion on deadlines.

Working the Pomodoro technique

Decide one task to be done in a day set the timer of 25 minutes and start working when the ring start just stop working and take break of 5 minutes , after break again set timer to start working. These time intervals increase the mental agility and make the user more creative and dedicated towards work. This techniques should be followed by all working staff to enhance the productivity and taking breaks after interval give more energy to work in a better way.

After knowing this technique i applied on my self in my daily life and i feel amazing working balance. Before knowing this, i often start work and during working there is multiple tasking happening doing more than one task in a time, resulting work was not clear and efficient.

When one task is set to be done in a time frame is called pomodoro technique. Taking rest after 25 minutes of working boast up the stamina and makes mind relax to rethink about task and perform in a better way.

Most important thing in this technique is to avoid distraction when you are working keep your cell phone silent or switched off. Mostly when we are working and cell phone beeps we keep our work away and start chatting on cell phone.

