Kindness, the key to Happiness

Muhammad Zaki Kaleem
4 min readFeb 26, 2020


My five acts of kindness in a day that made me really happy.

Being kind is a great quality. It can help you create a bond with other people around you and be a better person. There are a lot of things that could be counted as acts of kindness. I decided one day that I’m going to be kind to others and see what I feel and how it could make a difference in my relationship with other people around me.

Although, kind acts should be forgotten immediately and these things are not to boast about, but I want to tell others how it feels to be kind to others and some small acts could make a difference in your life and other people’s as well.

So, my five acts of kindness are listed below:

Arranging a Dinner Out for my Office Team:

Since, I have joined a new place and there were a lot of confusions and misunderstanding between me and my team that includes my subordinates, coordinator, and affiliated team as well. So, I decided to arrange a dinner for entire team. I personally went to each and everyone involved in my team and requested them to join me at a restaurant near by for a dinner. The invitation was accepted happily by everyone. During dinner, we had lots of personal and professional talk and some food. They all appreciated me for this arrangement and most of the confusions regarding work routine also vanished as well.

Donated Some Money to Saylani:

Saylani is one of the most prominent welfare organizations in Pakistan, feeding poor people, helping lower class families by donating flour and cooking oil for whole month, medical treatment of people through dispensaries and supporting young and middle aged people to earn their living with a high head through technical training like web and mobile apps development, Graphic designing, and various other technical courses. I decided to donate some money for Saylani’s better community initiatives. I felt really happy after doing this, therefore, I decided to donate a fixed amount from my income to Saylani every month.

Gave a Lift:

Actually, this section involves two acts of kindness that are quite relevant to each other. I was coming from my office towards home during lunch break to eat my lunch when I saw a boy who was physically challenged walking on the Abdullah Pur flyover with apparently a heavy bag, so I stopped and asked him where are you heading to? He said I’m going towards station, luckily my home is near to railways station Faisalabad. So, I offered him a ride on my bike to railway station. He was really relieved to hear that , so I picked him up from there and dropped him in front of railway station Faisalabad. The next act of Kindness is relevant to this incident as well. When I dropped that boy there, I saw my neighborhood uncle who serves in railways like my father, he was looking for a rickshaw to return home after completing his duty. I saw him and asked him to have ride with me back home as I was also going to home for a lunch. So he quickly sat on my bike and I dropped him at his doorstep. This act could be counted as courtesy and kindness as well.

Helping Office Co-league:

My fifth act of kindness is about my office time. I had to work on two blogs during the entire day. I accomplished these tasks in a couple of hours and after that I was free for whole day. I was sitting comfortably when I saw one of my co-league who happens to be a member of SEO team in our office having a tough time. She had to inspect a number of links and was expected to submit total work before 16.00, which was quite impossible for her. Luckily, I know basics of SEO, so I offered her a helping hand. She was quite hesitant at first, but when I told her that I’m free for rest of the day she agreed. I helped her in her work and because of this assistance she was able to accomplish her heavy workload before half an hour of deadline. I felt quite happy in helping my co-league and relieving her from heavy workload.

All of the above acts made me quite happier and I am optimistic that I will continue to do these small acts of kindness during my daily life to help other and make myself happier. At the end, I want to share a quote regarding kindness by Her Highness Princess Diana, that says, Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.



Muhammad Zaki Kaleem

A person who wants to practice doing good things around and be a better version of himself