
Muhammad Ammar
1 min readJun 13, 2023

Newspapers have been around for centuries, but the paper they are printed on is actually a relatively new invention. The first inexpensive newsprint paper was actually produced in the mid-19th century by an Austrian company called Dollfus-Mieg & Compagnie. This paper was made from wood pulp and quickly became the standard printing material for newspapers all over the world.

By the 20th century, advances in technology made it even easier to produce newsprint paper. This included the invention of mechanical wood pulping and chemical bleaching processes. It also resulted in improved printing methods that allowed for a smoother printing surface as well as increased tensile strength which makes it possible to mass produce higher quality newsprint paper in huge quantities.

Today, newsprint paper manufacturers use an advanced process that combines modern chemical pulp with mechanical pulp for a premium finished product. This allows them to produce lightweight, yet strong newspaper sheets that are perfect for folding and easy to transport. A key feature when it comes to distributing newspapers all over the world.

