Kindness, The Prestigious Virtue.

Muhammad Anas
3 min readJul 18, 2019


Be kind and have everything……..!

Before writing this blog I was sitting for more than one hour in front of my laptop and was thinking what I should write in order to make it real word not bookish word that we have millions of quotes about kindness but when I see around myself I am unable to find that words, that “quotes” because we don’t have these things real in our life. We all are searching for the answers of the questions we have in our mind but never ever we bother ourselves and realize that these questions are themselves answer.

What we want? respect, acceptance, love, care, affection, loyalty, peace and kindness. Isn’t it?

But have we ever noticed what we give intentionally or unintentionally?

We only give disrespect, rejection, hate, disregard, abhorrence, conflict, and unkindness.

But this will not work as we have disbalanced all the things and created a mess and now we have to work with patience and continuous efforts we have required to balance this trade again.

Unkindness, a curse Picture courtesy

So, I week ago my Programme Manager gave a deliberate thoughts on kindness that how kindness can change someone into Human sounds awkward? but believe it or not we all are just a creature just breathing and not doing things that we are supposed to do we do not care we are unkind and all the uncountable things we are that make us everything but not a human, a human without humanity, a human without care, love and many other things I have mentioned above.

So, the thoughts of my manager put me in a state of shock like I have never think this way before. People usually say why we behave gently while the other person is getting mad at us?

Why we love him/her when they don’t? Why do I care while I am an independent person. So the answer of all these types of questions is just be kind and show kindness if someone else is not showing just you start showing and doing it and you will be shocked by it results.

I want to share some techniques do’s and the result of them from my personal life.

Fetch a glass of water or a cup of tea having exact quantity of sugar, milk in it for your fellow, you are watching a film on TV but your mate wants to see football match give him/her remote to watch football and join them in it, drop your fellow to his/her destination, give someone way in to your lane, standing in a queue of ATM give someone your turn, buy an extra mac chicken for your Uber caption, help an old lady to buy from her and pay a small amount extra, respect someone’s ideas or thoughts.

We can also show kindness emotionally like we can condole someone, just listen someone’s story, make an environment around you that people feel safe in that environment and freely speak about their thoughts reflections and ideas, give someone courage to achieve his/her dream and many many other ways you can now recognize on your own because I believe in you.

And many many other uncountables things that one can do to develop a habit of kindness and result will be surprise you and you will get whatever you want not in one night or week or month but you will I believe all you have to do is stay kind and prestince and don’t lose hope if you face hardships.
Let’s make this world a better place together.

Thank you very much for your time stay blessed and kind.
don’t forget to tell me how was your experience 💗💗💗.

