10 Best Practices for Remote Workers in the Gaming Industry

6 min readSep 3, 2022

The gaming industry is growing at an unprecedented pace. With the global market expected to reach $196 billion by 2022, there is an increasing demand for gaming content and services. This has resulted in a boom in the number of people working in the gaming industry — including a growing number of remote workers.

Stay Connected

If you’re a remote worker, staying connected can be one of the most important factors when it comes to productivity. Here are some tips on how to keep up with all of your remote workers:

  • Use a reliable internet connection. It’s best if you have at least 3Mbps download speed and 1Mbps upload speed for streaming video and other heavy tasks like downloading large files or having several tabs open simultaneously in Chrome, for example. If possible, use an unlimited data plan from your ISP (Internet Service Provider). This way not only will your internet connection be faster but also there will be less chance that someone is throttling down their connection because they don’t want others using too much bandwidth — which happens often when using shared connections such as those offered by hotels or coffee shops where multiple people may connect at once.*
  • Use a VPN whenever possible so that data doesn’t travel across open networks — like those found at airports — but instead through encrypted tunnels designed by companies like ExpressVPN which offer high-quality secure connections between computers connected via Wi-Fi hotspots or wired Ethernet cables.
  • Keep track of calls made while away from home by keeping a landline phone on hand so friends can reach out when needed without having access.

Do Collaborate in the Cloud

Collaborating with your team in the cloud is a great way to work remotely. Cloud-based tools offer multiple benefits, including:

  • Security — By using a cloud-based solution, you can rest assured that your information is safe and secure. You won’t have to worry about viruses or hackers accessing your files or emails on the road.
  • Mobility — With a remote working platform like Slack (which we’ll talk more about later), you can easily access projects from anywhere in the world! This means no more waiting for someone else who’s not near an internet connection when they could be doing something productive instead of wasting time on social media sites like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp messages (which aren’t secure). In addition, if someone forgets their password then all they need do is reset it through their administrator account instead of having someone come over personally every time there’s trouble with logging into accounts as usual.”

Create a Realistic Schedule

When it comes to setting up your schedule, don’t be afraid to create a realistic one that works for you. If you’re working from home and can’t get out of the house, then maybe it’s best if you don’t make plans for going out with friends on Friday night. Similarly, if there’s a big project at work that requires more time than usual and might cause burnout later on in the week (it happens), then maybe taking some time off during that project would help prevent any issues.

If something needs doing right now but isn’t urgent enough for an emergency meeting with management or scheduling conflicts prevent me from being able to do what needs doing today, then I’ll probably just skip it altogether — unless there’s something very important at stake! This approach allows us as remote workers flexibility over how much work gets done each day while still keeping track of deadlines, so no one feels left out because they didn’t receive their fair share.

Invest Wisely in Technology

You can’t be a good remote worker if you don’t know how to use technology. To ensure that your company is using the right tools, make sure everyone on your team has access to them and understands how they work.

  • Communication: It’s important for everyone in a remote workplace — managers, engineers, designers — to communicate effectively with each other using software like Google Docs or Slack. This allows for easy collaboration on projects and helps keep everyone up-to-date with what’s happening at all times.
  • Collaboration: You’ll also want to invest in tools that allow users from different locations around the world (including both physical offices) to work together effectively through video conferencing or chat rooms like Skype or Slack (or similar services). These types of solutions let people talk face-to-face while still being able to share documents between themselves remotely over the internet.

Set Time Aside for Face-to-Face Meetings

Face-to-face meetings are important for team building. They can be used to brainstorm, share status updates, and motivate and recognize team members.

Meetings are a great way to start or end the workweek — especially if you’re a remote worker in the gaming industry. But they’re not just a way to keep your coworkers’ lives organized; they also give you time together as individuals who care about each other’s success!

Get Out of the House — Occasional Office Access is Key

You may be a remote worker, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get out of the house once in a while. When we’re at home, it’s easy for us to get stuck in our own heads and forget about other people. We need to be reminded that there are people out there who want to talk with us and see what we’re doing — and that they’re only waiting for an excuse to do so!

The occasional office visit can be helpful: it gives us something else besides our phone screens as distractions from work; allows us time away from home where we can zone out instead of just zoning into our phones; gives us fresh air outside of our homes (or offices); encourages communication between coworkers who live far apart from each other; provides opportunities for networking events with fellow remote workers across industries.”

Maintain Consistent Hours

  • Set a schedule. The more you put your work in order, the easier it will be to maintain consistency and get things done on time.
  • Be disciplined about sticking to your routine. It’s important not only to set deadlines for yourself but also to enforce them as well! If something comes up at work or with family responsibilities (like moving), don’t punish yourself by staying late just because you can; this will only make things worse in the long run.

Don’t Worry About Looking too Remote

One of the most important things you can do is to not worry about what other people think. You are an employee, and you should be treated as such. If you don’t feel like asking for money or a raise, go ahead and do it anyway — it’s your right as an employee.

If there’s something that needs doing in your department but isn’t getting done right away by someone else (like fixing a broken door), don’t hesitate to ask them if they can help out with it! Look at it this way: even if they say no, maybe they’ll learn something from doing so themselves and become more aware of how their job affects others around them.

You might also consider asking for promotion opportunities early on in your career if possible; this will allow both yourself and potential employers time to prepare accordingly without wasting resources while waiting on someone else’s decision first.

Stay Transparent

  • Stay transparent.
  • Be honest about your work.
  • Be open about your progress.
  • Be transparent about your workload and goals, as well as needs and expectations for the future (if any).

Working remotely can be beneficial for both employers and employees.

If you’re a remote worker, this is the perfect time to take advantage of what your employer has to offer. It can be beneficial for both employers and employees. For example, many companies have access to a faster and more flexible work environment than they would otherwise have in-house. Additionally, some employees prefer working remotely because it allows them more time with their family or personal interests outside of work hours.


In conclusion, working remotely in the gaming industry comes with a unique set of challenges. However, by following the 10 best practices outlined in this article, remote workers can be successful in this rapidly growing industry.




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