health tips
2 min readOct 29, 2022

Five Types of Exercise: The Ones You Should Be Adopting

You must have noticed that any toddler growing up in a normal environment cannot sit still.

He moves.

Runs and runs.

Goes around.

Something keeps doing something.

As we grow older, laziness creeps into us.

The body which was made to move and work hard, we start to spoil it by freezing it in one place.

We begin to gain weight and the arteries begin to accumulate fat.

Gradually, various diseases start developing in us.

Heart, brain, kidneys all get sick due to this increased weight.

Exercise is very important for a healthy and balanced life.

Exercise not only keeps a person fit and healthy, his weight is under control but also protects him from many heart and mind problems.

Regular exercise keeps a person's immune system in good shape and protects it from many diseases, including cancer.

A person should make five types of exercise a part of his routine.

You can learn these exercises from a website like YouTube.

Strength training

This includes all the exercises that you can do using weights to strengthen your nerves so that they are able to carry more loads.

Endurance exercise

All exercises in which you can increase your body's ability to work through fast movements like brisk walking, swimming, running, jumping, etc.

Exercise to improve balance

All exercises where you practice single leg raises without support or with support will improve your balance.

Flexibility exercises