How to Fix Ps4 Flickering Screen (18 Solutions 2024)

Faisal Turabi
12 min readJan 25, 2024


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Experiencing a flickering screen on your PS4 can be incredibly frustrating. Not only does it detract from your gaming experience, but trying to figure out how to fix the flickering can be a headache in itself. I’m helping you to fix this issue and hope this will be helpful.

There are a few common reasons that typically cause PS4 screens to flicker.

  • Incorrect display settings on the PS4 or connected TV causing compatibility issues
  • Faulty HDMI cables with damaged connectors or loose connections
  • Overheating of the PS4 console
  • Hardware defects like failing capacitors or GPU/APU failure

The impacts of a constantly flickering PS4 screen include eye strain, difficulty in playing games properly, and just a poorer overall user experience.

Prolonged flickering could also indicate more serious hardware problems arising.

This guide will provide you with 18 different troubleshooting fixes to stop your PS4 screen from flickering.

I’ll cover adjustments like changing resolution, replacing cables, improving ventilation, restoring default settings, contacting Sony support and more.

Quick PS4’s Product Recommendations

HDMI Cables for PS4 > Check best price on Amazon
HDMI Ports for PS4 > Check best price on Amazon
Air Spray for Cleaning Devices > Check best price on Amazon
External Cooling Fans for PS4 > Check best price on Amazon
Best Gaming TVs for PS4 > Check best price on Amazon
Sony PS4 Console > Check best price on Amazon
Controllers for PS4 > Check best price on Amazon

Reasons Your PS4 Screen is Flickering

There are 5 main reasons why your PS4 may be showing a flickering display.

1. Incorrect Display Settings

Photo by Josh Sorenson on Unsplash

You need to check first display setting that is it right or something wrong with this?

Resolution Set Too High

If the PS4’s output resolution is set higher than what the TV can support, it may result in a flickering, distorted display as the TV struggles to process the high-res signal.

HDCP Enabled

The HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) setting prevents capturing of content for copyright reasons. If enabled but unsupported, it can cause display issues.

Incorrect Color Depth

If the Color Depth is set above what the TV supports (e.g. RGB, YUV420, YUV422), it will lead to display problems.

2. Faulty HDMI Cable

Photo by Backpack Studio on Unsplash

But keep in mind, in more cases the fault may be in your HDMI Cable so, never forget to check it.

Damaged Connectors

Bent pins inside the HDMI cable’s connectors means portions of the video signal will be missing, leading to flickering screens.

Loose Connections

If connections at both ends of the HDMI cable are loose, the digital signal carrying the video can be periodically disrupted.

Defective Cable

Imperfections in lower-quality cables leads to poor transmission of high-speed digital video signals from the PS4 to TV.

3. Overheating

Photo by Aromal Surendran on Unsplash

Overheating may be the 3rd reason that your screen flickering.

Dust Build Up

A build up of dust inside the PS4 can cause the APU and other components to run at higher temperatures, leading them to not function properly. This manifests as on-screen artifacts and flickering.

Poor Ventilation

If the intake and outtake vents on the PS4 are obstructed, it restricts airflow which significantly increases the operating temperature and strains components.

Extended High Usage

Using resource intensive games for long periods causes the internal components to heat up drastically, until heat mitigation measures kick in and downclock components, disrupting video output.

4. TV Compatibility Issues

Photo by Fábio Magalhães on Unsplash

Always consider to know TV compatibility with your PS4. If not, may cause the flickering screen.

Unsupported Resolutions

Setting the PS4’s output resolution higher than the native resolution or max supported resolution of the TV naturally results in video issues.

Refresh Rate Mismatches

A mismatch in the vertical refresh rate supported by the PS4 and TV can impact video output synchronization between the devices.

HDMI Version Mismatch

If PS4 uses higher version HDMI than supported by TV, features like high resolutions, high refresh rates or audio return channel may not work correctly.

5. Hardware Defects

Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

There are lots of issues which may cause by Defective Hardware.

GPU/APU Failure

As the PS4 APU handles both central processing and graphics rendering, its failure leads to disruption of overall video output.

Bad Solder Joints

If solder joints connecting key hardware like the APU, RAM start to crack or weaken, the signal lines can get disrupted intermittently which affects video output.

Failing Capacitors

Swelling and burst capacitors vital for power regulation, voltage control can affect stability of hardware operation, crashing video output.

Failing Video RAM/VRAM

As VRAM chips fail, they output random incorrect video memory data which manifests as green/color pixelation and visual artifacts on screen. Requires professional repair/replacement of PS4 motherboard.

18 Fixes for PS4 Flickering Screen

I covered some of the reasons may cause flickering screen now, I’m going to covering 18 fixes you can try to stop the PS4 from showing that irritating flickering display.

1. Adjust Resolution Settings

The most common reason for PS4 flickering issues is the output video resolution set too high. Navigate to Settings > Sound and Screen > Video Output Settings, then change Resolution to match your TV’s native and maximum supported resolution (1080p for non-4K TVs).

Ensure Color Format is also matched (RGB for most TVs).

2. Disable HDCP

The HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) copy protection feature can sometimes interfere with display connectivity.

Go to Settings > System > HDMI and untick ‘Enable HDCP’ to disable this security layer and check if that fixes any HDMI handshake issues.

3. Replace HDMI Cable

Over time, HDMI port use can degrade connection pins or internal wiring may get damaged too, affecting digital video signal transmission.

Replace the current HDMI cable with a new High Speed HDMI certified cable for flawless 4K or 1080p digital video transfer between PS4 and TV without analog signal flaws.

4. Try Different HDMI Ports

Loose port connections or damaged ports on the TV itself could also impact video output from the PS4.

Plug your current working HDMI cable into an alternate HDMI input port on the TV to check if the flickering persists still or not. This confirms whether the issue lies with any particular port itself being faulty.

5. Secure Cable Connections

In tandem with trying different ports, check existing cable connections at both ends. Remove and re-insert the HDMI cable ends connecting PS4 and TV into their ports, then lock the connectors if there is a locking mechanism provided.

For wall connections, ensure cable is plugged fully into the port without any loose gaps. Secure connections are vital for signal continuity.

6. Clean Dust Build Up

Internal hardware components in the PS4 like the CPU/GPU heatsinks can gather dust over time which impacts effective heat dissipation. This heat build up causes system instability and display artifacts.

Use a can of compressed air to spray through the rear vents and blow out any settled dust. Repeat periodically as regular maintenance.

7. Improve Ventilation

Check the PS4’s placement are the rear top vents choked against a wall or inside a closed cabinet? Is the bottom intake vent also obstructed against the surface blocking air intake?

Clear any objects or papers around the vents and keep open space of at least 10 inches for airflow. Proper ventilation is essential to prevent internal overheating which affects video output down the line.

8. Use External Cooling Fan

Vertical stand placement of PS4 Slim/Pro models helps enhance natural convection cooling but for additional active cooling, position an external cooling fan to blow cool fresh air horizontally through the rear vents.

The constant breeze flowing past internal heatsinks lowers temperatures significantly for stable performance.

9. Adjust Video Output Settings for TV

Navigate to Settings > Sound and Screen > Video Output Settings and select Automatic or Manual detection of TV display capabilities.

Manually enter your TV brand and model to have PS4 auto-configure the optimal output resolution, HDR, Deep Color, RGB range and other video parameters. Ensure to disable settings your TV doesn’t support.

10. Enable/Disable HDMI Link

HDMI Link/HDMI CEC provides connected devices ability to power on/off and control each other.

Toggle HDMI Link under Settings > System > HDMI to force a re-negotiation of settings between PS4 and TV which may resolve any display issues caused by incorrect EDID handshake.

11. Reinitialize PS4 System

Display issues could arise from system file corruption. Backup game data and initialize PS4 this completely erases system software and reinstalls it afresh, eliminating any underlying software bugs causing visual glitches. Navigate to Settings > Initialization > Initialize PS4.

12. Update System Software

Sony releases periodic system software updates to patch stability issues and improvements are often made specifically to enhance display and graphics too.

Ensure you install updates promptly rather than postponing as they fix key display bugs.

13. Restore Default Settings

Customized video output settings misconfigured for your TV can lead to display issues.

Navigate to Settings > Initialization > Restore Default Settings to revert all video output parameters to factory values so PS4 automatically chooses optimal display settings.

14. Isolate Interference Sources

Electromagnetic interference from other devices can affect PS4 hardware stability.

Check if WiFi routers, cellphones placed close by, microwaves or fluorescent lighting in the vicinity exacerbate the flickering issue when they are switched on. Keep their distance when using PS4.

15. Rebuild Database to Fix Software Issues

Display issues caused by corrupted system files or bad sectors on PS4 internal HDD can be resolved by booting into Safe Mode then selecting option 5 — ‘Rebuild Database’.

This scans drive, reorganizes files and clears up software issues leading to display glitches.

16. Replace Faulty Hardware

Despite above troubleshooting fixes, if display issues persist, faulty components like defective capacitors, failing GPU/APU chips may need replacement which requires professional repair by a qualified technician. Not a DIY fix.

17. Contact Sony Support

Official Sony telephone and online hardware support can diagnose if hardware or software issues are causing the flickering screen through remote debugging reports and console status data review.

Their specialized product knowledge suggests best resolution measures.

18. Reflow Solder Joints

Advanced fix for hardware issues with solder cracks/breaks under the PS4 APU or GPU chips.

The motherboard is professionally heated to reflow/reball the chip solder to restore secure connections vital for stable video output. Use as last resort.

Preventing PS4 Display Issues in Future

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Once the specific fix has resolved your PS4’s flickering screen, you can take these measures to prevent display problems in future.

  • Maintain good ventilation for console using external cooling fan if needed
  • Regularly dust the vents and internal hardware
  • Install system software updates promptly
  • Use an HDMI cable rated for HDMI 2.1 to ‘future proof’ PS4 display connectivity
  • Avoid running intensive games for prolonged periods to manage heat
  • Set video output resolution to match native TV resolution

This will help safeguard stable video output from your PS4 for smooth gaming and multimedia usage down the years.

Ending of Ps4 Flickering Screen

A flickering PS4 display can stem from settings mismatches, loose connections, overheating or failing hardware amongst a range of reasons covered in this guide.

Methodically trying the 18 fixes discussed such as adjusting resolution, replacing the HDMI cable, improving ventilation, reinitializing PS4 software or even reflowing solder joints in some cases can banish those PS4 display issues for good.

Consistently applying best practices for console care is key to avoid any future display headaches while enjoying an optimal viewing experience on your PlayStation 4.

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Q#1. Why is My PS4 Screen Flickering?

PS4 screen flickering is typically caused by loose/faulty HDMI connections, overheating issues, resolution mismatches with the TV or hardware defects in some cases.

Q#2. How do I stop my PS4 screen from flickering?

Adjust resolution settings, replace HDMI cable, ensure console ventilation, rule out software glitches by reinitializing PS4, or replace any faulty hardware to stop PS4 screen flickering.

Q#3. How do I fix my PS4 from glitching?

Frequent restarts, rebuilding database, reinstalling system software, upgrading HDD or reflowing motherboard solder joints helps fix PS4 glitches and graphical artifacts.

Q#4. Can screen flickering be fixed?

Yes, PS4 screen flickering can be fixed by adjusting settings, fixing cabling issues, improving cooling, isolating interference, updating software or replacing faulty hardware if needed.

Q#5. How long will a PS4 last?

On average, a new well maintained PS4 should last around 5–7 years under moderate usage conditions before hardware performance degrades and needs upgrade.

Q#6. Can a dirty PS4 cause lag?

Yes, dust accumulation causing PS4 overheating is the most common factor behind game lag and performance slowdowns. Cleaning the console is needed.

Q#7. How do I clean my PS4 without opening it?

Use an air duster spray can to blow compressed air through the outer vents to dislodge and clear out internal dust and debris clogging the console without needing to open casing.

Q#8. Why is my PS4 blacking out?

Overheating issues, loose HDMI connections or failing power supply can cause PS4 to randomly shut down/black out during gaming sessions before cooling off and restarting.

Q#9. Is screen flickering serious?

Frequent persistent screen flickering indicates a hardware fault or connection issue needing prompt troubleshooting and can lead to complete display failure if ignored for long.

Q#10. Can RAM cause screen flickering?

Yes, defective RAM chips on graphics cards or system memory on PC/laptops can cause memory artifacts leading to screen flickering or discoloration issues.

Q#11. How do I stop my HDMI from flickering on my TV?

HDMI cable getting loose from ports, bent pins or electromagnetic interference causes the TV display to flicker. Secure cables properly, toggle device connections or move router/speakers away.

Q#12. How do I reset my flickering screen?

For PS4 screen flickering, reseating HDMI connections, restarting console and TV devices often resets handshakes and stabilizes display output.

Q#13. Can CPU cause screen flickering?

Faulty processor overheating or unstable power delivery to key PC components including CPU can manifest as intermittent screen flickering issues during desktop/gaming usage.

Q#14. Can dust destroy a PS4?

Not instantly destroy but severe dust build up can block ventilation pathways causing chronic overheating which accelerates wear and tear of internal components like GPU/APU processors, capacitors leading to premature failure.

Q#15. How do I fix my screen from flickering while gaming?

Lower game graphics quality, cap frame rates to monitor refresh limits, check for malware miners overworking GPU, update game and graphics drivers as key fixes for gaming screen flickering issues on PCs and laptops.

Q#16. Can HDMI cause screen flickering?

Yes, lower quality HDMI cables with lossy signal transmission, faulty connectors causing intermittent signal or bandwidth exceeding HDMI port capacity can all induce screen flickering.

Q#17. Can a graphics card cause screen flickering?

Definitely yes, outdated graphics drivers, artifacts from failing GPU chipset/VRAM and overheating are leading reasons for game screen flickering encountered during intense gaming sessions.

Q#18. How do I fix a flickering screen permanently?

Identifying the root cause — cable issues, incompatibility settings or actual hardware failure and replacing faulty component is key to permanently resolve persistent display screen flickering across devices.



Faisal Turabi

As a blogger, I love writing insightful sports and tech articles based on research.