Extra-Curricular Activities Are important for students! Why??

Muhammad Irfan Shehzad
3 min readOct 18, 2020



Extracurricular activities started the first time in the United State in the 19th century. Initially, these activities were an additional part of the academic period. Extracurricular activities that are well known in school nowadays are first started at Harvard and Yale University. These were debate clubs. American school’s students started athletic clubs that decline the debate clubs and become popular.

Around the time of World War I, schools started adding clubs such as journalism, and newspapers. Nowadays very little percentage of students participate in literacy clubs. Students of almost all ages can participate in extracurricular activities. Sports, debate clubs, dance clubs, drama, art and student newspaper, etc. are part of extracurricular activities. Many articles have been written on the role of extracurricular activities that bring a positive attitude in the students, that students are more confident and achieve their goals with ease. They are more focused on their objectives. Students who opt. one of the extracurricular activities later become professionals in that activity. Due to Extracurricular activities students ties the social and communicational links. Extracurricular activities are proved very fruit full for students because it stimulates the mindset of many students, empowers them, and develops skill in themselves.

Positive Impact Of Extra-Curricular Activities

Behavioral Change is the first effect that comes through Extracurricular activities in students. Participation in Extracurricular activities reduces the behavioral problems in students. They are more obedient and calm. They can overcome their anxieties, aggression, etc. they always have a positive attitude towards other people.

The social circle of students widens because they meet with the students of different cultural, norms, behaviors and languages, etc which have similar interests. In this benefit, they learn from other students their way of talking, way of living, and many more things. They inhale positive vibes from others and make possible changes in themselves.

Student’s educational grades improve due to extracurricular activities. Because these activities make the students active-minded, quick, punctual and he/she can manage time properly. They have more self-confidence. They can express themselves in a better way. In this regard, an example is stated by researchers that Stephanie was a 14-year-old girl of eight class. In her 6th class, she was excellent in her grades but letter her grades go down due to conflict between her parents. Her brother suggested her to take part in an extracurricular activity. She joined the basketball team and after that, she was captain of her team. Due to involvement in the game her grades going to improve. Hence from example proved that you can overcome your problems by taking part in extracurricular activities.

By taking part in Extracurricular activities Leadership Qualities are built-in students. Their way of talking, pronouncing the words, and handle the difficult situation improve. Shortly all leadership qualities build in them.

As students are involved in extracurricular activities their Exploration interest build up. They find happiness in exploring new things. Sometimes they tackle difficult situations and feeling happiness in finding the solution to the problems. Exploring new things increases their experiences.

Negative impacts of extracurricular activities

We can see the negative impact on many aspects. One is that students join a bad company. They started to drink alcohol, cigarettes, and many other things. One the other hand students get low grades in their studies. The reason behind this can be that they consume much of their time in those activities, less focused on their study.

Sometimes students opt. such activities that are hard to manage their expenses. This is difficult for those parents which are spending their life in hand-to-mouth condition.

